Prana Mudra | Learn Benefits, Steps & Ways to Practice | Art of Living Australia

Prana Mudra | Learn Benefits, Steps & Ways to Practice

Lord Shiva in his Adinath aspect revealed many yogic principles and practices to spiritual seekers. In Hatha Yoga Pradipika, one of the ancient Hindu texts of yoga, Lord Shiva states that the practice of different mudras bestow on the seeker eight forms of divine wealth, can delay old age and even defeat death. These mudras are revered by all skilled seekers (siddhas) and were kept a secret for a long time.

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Prana Mudra - One of the Yoga Mudras

Among these mudras, the Yoga Mudras were named so not because of their association with the physical act of doing yoga. But, these mudras followed the principles of Yoga Sutras in their entirety and could give all-round benefits to anyone practicing them. One of the most prominent of all the Yoga Mudras is the Prana Mudra

Prana in Hindi is defined as life. But, in Sanskrit, it is the name given to the life force residing in our body. According to Hatha Yoga, the five energies necessary for the balance of life are apana, vyana, aamana, udana, and prana. Of these, prana holds the greatest significance and by the simple practice of Pran Mudra, you can easily activate and charge-up the life force inside you. 

Five fingers - five elements

The mudras involve simple linking of the energy points in our body. In the case of Pran Mudra, the practice involves just three fingers - thumb, little finger, and the ring finger. It isn’t commonly known that our fingers represent the five elements with which this creation is formed. 

Of the five fingers, our thumb represents agni (fire), little finger represents jala (water), and the ring finger represents prithvi (earth). 

The imbalance of these three elements creates an imbalance of Vata Dosha in our body. And, regular practice of Prana Mudra is seen to remove the Vata Dosha imbalance and its effects that you have been experiencing. 


How to do Prana Mudra?

The Pran Mudra is quite simple to do. Just join the tips of the little finger, ring finger, and the thumb together, with the other two fingers relaxed and positioned away from the joint. While practicing the Mudra, you should sit in a comfortable position in a relaxed corner of your house. Rest both the hands on your knees and then fold the fingers into the Mudra. While practicing it, give slight attention to your breathing patterns and allow the soothing effects of refreshed energy to calm your body and mind. 

What is the best time to do Prana Mudra?

One of the best things about the mudras is that they can be performed anywhere, and anytime. Whether you are at home, taking a break in the office, or even traveling. However, there are measures you can take to enhance the experience of your Mudra practice. 

  • The best time to do Pran Mudra is in the morning, on an empty stomach. If you are doing it at any time of the day then make sure you are doing it after an hour of eating food. 
  • Practicing Prana Mudra can be a relaxing experience. However, the energizing aspect of it works even better if your mind is already calm. Therefore, doing meditation and then following it with Prana Mudra practice will give the best results. You can find a list of guided meditations by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, which can be followed by your Pran Mudra practice. 
  • If you don’t have the time to meditate, then take a few long deep breaths before starting the mudra to calm your body and mind.
  • The Prana Mudra should be done three times a day, for 10 minutes in a single session. If you cannot manage multiple attempts, then a single session of 20-30 minutes can also be done. 
  • While practicing the Pran Mudra, you can couple it with any chants that you feel are easy and relaxing. Whether it is Om chant, Om Namaha Shivaya Chant, Rama Chant, or any other you feel inclined to do. 
  • There is no specific asana mentioned for Mudra practice. You can do it in sukhasana, vajrasana, or even padmasana
  • The success of the mudra practice depends on two factors - the calmness of your mind and the relaxation of the breathing patterns. This is why practicing it after meditating will give the best result

Benefits of Prana Mudra

The three elements associated with the Pran Mudra are also connected with the base of our spine. In terms of Chakras, Pran Mudra directly affects the Muladhara (Base Chakra or Root Chakra). It activates the base chakra, generating heat and energy in the body. Because of the nature of the chakra, Prana Mudra practice has many benefits associated with it. We will cover the specific benefits to the body first and then list out other common positives experienced after practicing this mudra.

1. Facilitates healing

Our scriptures say that the first symptom of our body being afflicted by a disease is that of our energy, or prana levels, getting low. This is a symptom, and sometimes the cause of lowered immunity which invites disease into the body. Practicing Prana Mudra increases the Prana in our body, thereby enabling it to automatically heal itself. So, anytime you feel your energy lowering, just practice this for some time and you’ll feel the prana jump right back up.

Moreover, with the regular and proper practice of the Mudra, you’ll feel more profound changes in your body, letting it get rid of any other ailments that you may have had. Some of the ailments that Pran Mudra can help in healing include: 

  • High blood pressure, joints instability, ulcers
  • Heightened sensitivity and burning in stomach and throat
  • Skin rashes, aging skin, acidity
  • Mental tension and fatigue
  • Impatience, irritability, increased frustration.

All these issues of the mind and body can find relief with the practice of Prana Mudra. You can comfortably move from disease to energy, relaxation, and a renewed sense of calmness and purpose by practicing this easy Mudra

2. Eye Benefits

Practitioners of Prana Mudra have reported that their eyesight problems got reduced and sometimes even cured after regular practice. You can also reduce the number of your spectacles and have a clearer vision by continuously practicing this mudra. Those with weak eyesight wanting to see good results should do this Mudra for at least 15-20 minutes every day. This practice should continue even after the benefits desired by the mudra have been achieved. 

3. Other general benefits

  • Our body experiences cramps and leg pain because there is blood accumulated in those areas which restrict proper flow. Practicing this mudra removes the impurities in the blood, enhancing the flow and richness of it and bringing excellent healing benefits. 
  • Pran Mudra can greatly improve your body’s immune system and it also stabilizes your mind. Many times, some psychosomatic issues like impatience, irritability, weakness, and mental fatigue bring problems in the physical body as well. Prana Mudra turns these issues into positivity, enthusiasm, delight, joy, and happiness. 
  • This mudra’s relaxing and rejuvenating effect on the mind improves your awareness, focus, and productivity, thus helping you perform better in any task you take up. 
  • The relaxation effect of the mudra decreases nervousness and helps improve one’s confidence. 
  • Pran Mudra also brings more balance and stability to the mind, thereby curing any sleeping or eating disorders you may have been afflicted with. 
  • Practicing this mudra also reduces, and sometimes removes, any deficiencies caused by a lack of essential vitamins (A-K).


As you can see, the benefits of doing the Prana Mudra and the ease with which you can practice it show that this is the best practice that you can incorporate into your daily routine.