Natural Eye Care Methods: An Ayurvedic Doctor on Healthy Vision, Part 2 | Art of Living Australia

Natural Eye Care Methods: An Ayurvedic Doctor on Healthy Vision, Part 2

By Sri Sri Netra Jyoti┃Posted: February 10, 2019

Wisdom has always recognized that prevention is better than cure. To stop a problem before it happens is less costly and less painful. Before the problem arises, you can take measures to make sure it doesn’t happen. This is easy, especially for the eyes.There are simple ways to take care of the eyes; some of them are home remedies.

This article is the second of a three-part series that will help you to start the journey towards healthy and strong eyes. Dr. Padmalochan shares insightful tips, debunks many myths, and helps us understand the functioning of our eyes. As Director of Sri Sri Netra Jyoti, Dr. Padmalochan has had an impressive body of work for the past 11 years.

Activate the tear glands

Q: We face day-to-day eye problems like dryness, tiredness, and redness. How does this happen? Are there any eye care home remedies to keep the eyes healthy?

Dr. Padmalochan: There are glands in our eyes known as the tear and lacrimal glands. When we view screens a great deal, our eyes are strained, and this leads to shrinkage of the tear glands’ channel. Tears become less; we might even feel a sensation in our eyes with some pain. Yes, we do cry sometimes. However, when we cry when we’re emotionally disturbed, hormonal imbalances are created, which are unhealthy.

Here’s a tip to keep the eyes healthy. Take a lit candle and sit in a dark room, gazing at the candle. The candle should be at the eye level, and the backbone should be straight. When you keep staring at the candle, your eyes will start tearing up. Close your eyes, relax and repeat this at least two-three times.

This kind of crying does not create any disturbance in the mind. If a candle is unavailable, then simply focus on one point and let the tears come. This is a very good exercise for dry eyes.  There are other treatments and exercises at our eye center that activate the glands.

Washing the eyes

Q: Can you tell us about eyes washes? With such a busy schedule, we often forget to wash our eyes.

Dr. Padmalochan: Yes, it’s a very important process. The cornea is the only part of the body where there’s no blood circulation. If there was blood circulation, then there would be no transparency. The oxygen supply from our lungs does not reach the cornea. However, the cornea takes oxygen from the outer environment. It's very interesting, as the cornea takes oxygen from the outer membrane in the form of tears. The oxygen first gets dissolved in tears and then the cornea cells accept it.

That’s why contact lenses aren’t advisable for more than three hours. After three hours, remove lenses for at least an hour. If you constantly wear contact lenses, the eye will be prone to dryness and infection.

When we sleep, the eyes become sticky. This is due to lacrimal secretions, tear glands, and the secretion from the cornea. It’s very important for the eyes to be thoroughly cleaned in the morning. If you don’t clean the eyes, problems like itching, redness, irritation, and allergic reactions could arise. Generally, in our tradition, we wash our eyes, face, and then go to work. But nowadays, we switch on the television or mobile phone as soon as we wake up in the morning.

If you wash your eyes properly in the morning, around 80 percent of eye problems won’t occur.

Dark circles

Q: How should we deal with dark circles below the eyes?

Dr. Padmalochan: Dark circles are due to increased strain on the eyes, often resulting from excessive use of gadgets. Recent research papers have shown that screen time could also damage your DNA. If you sit in front of a screen for long hours, your skin will start looking old. For dark circles, mix some sandal paste, turmeric and aloe vera in rose water and apply it to the area. Leave it on for some time and wash with warm water.

There are also some milk and ghee treatments at our center which are very beneficial.

The views in this Q&A belong to the individual. Parts 1 and 3.

Sri Sri Netra Jyoti is a unique research center that combines modern diagnosis of eyesight, ancient pulse diagnosis and specialized Ayurvedic medicine and herbal therapy.
This article was originally published by Art of Living, India.