
Weight Loss through Yoga: How to Slim Down with Wisdom, Breath and Postures

Posted: August 31, 2018

Often we blame our genes for placing us on the wrong side of the scale. But give it a second thought and you’ll see that there’s a lot within our control.

This article offers insights into yoga for weight loss, for those who struggle with their weight and would like to see a slimmer body in the mirror.

Weighty tips!

• 80% of weight loss comes from changing your eating habits and 20% from working out.

• Aim to lose both body fat and overall weight.

• Be more regular and frequent in your yoga practice.

• Keep the metabolism active by having 5-6 small meals a day, eating every 2-3 hours, and have a balanced diet. This will also help you to keep your pseudo-hunger at bay.

• Be passionate about regular yoga workouts to go deeper into your yoga practice.

• Be 100% attentive to the food when you eat. Avoid watching T.V. or chatting over the phone when eating.

• Always remember the 3 D’s of weight loss – Discipline, Determination and Dedication.

The story so far: weight loss and yoga

Can yoga really help us lose weight? A basic fact about routines involving yoga postures is that they also include aerobic exercise, which can help you get in shape when done at moderate speed. If you’re looking for serious weight loss, then it needs to be done under the supervision of a yoga expert and over a period of time.

The advantage of yoga is that leaves you fresh and new every time you finish your daily practice. The reason for these feelings of rejuvenation is that yoga brings your mind, body and breath onto the same platform, as other sources explain in the context of their weight loss advice, recommending yoga. This phenomenon makes it more interesting, easy and effective compared to other workouts.

Know the difference between weight loss and inch loss

Gearing up for your best friend's wedding, you start working out a month beforehand so that you are picture perfect on the wedding day. You lose an inch here and there from those places where you wanted it gone, and you’re ready to go. You feel happy about it, the wedding is over and you notice that those inches are back after the binging at the wedding.

Those looking at weight loss should start with a proper plan on the calendar and set small goals for themselves. The goals should be achievable; they give you a lot of confidence when achieved and act as fuel to reach the next set of goals.

Minding the mind

The secret to weight loss is in getting your act together. We tend to seek the solution to weight loss in those pills or bottles and the latest crazy diets. But the truth lies in the fact that there is no other alternative to hard work, shedding those unwanted pounds in a way which is easy on your body and fun, too. For that you need to set your mind right, for the mind is where it all starts. If you’re here, then we assume that you mean serious business, honestly looking for an answer to weight loss.

Control your weight before it controls you

Age plays an important role in weight loss. If you are young, then the chances of getting into shape are high with minimal effort, but it’s tough for those who are on other side of forty and want to lose weight. Once you pass this age, special attention needs to be given to eating habits. Fats, carbohydrates, and proteins are the main contents of any meal. Choosing them wisely during the different meals of the day will help you to go a long way in achieving your goal.

Complex carbohydrates and healthy fats can be a part of your breakfast, but including the same for your supper might not be a great idea. Also, tracking your diet can help give you an idea of where your macronutrients are coming from. Remember to track each and every food you eat. This will make you aware of what you are eating throughout the day, and  will make you think twice next time before you gulp down your favorite cupcake. The more you educate yourself by reading food labels, the more you become cautious and avoid unnecessary calories. It's all about bringing it to awareness.

Keep the fun factors going!!

Stick to your goals and diet plans, and achieve those calls for applause. Keep yourself motivated till the goal is accomplished. Along with your daily yoga routine, try to include these whenever you have time:

  1. Go with your friends on short hikes outside the city. Being outdoors helps you to be close to nature and gives you needed breaks from your yoga schedule.

  2. Plan a beach trip – when was the last time you walked barefoot on the white sand and felt the froth of the waves kissing your feet? Make the most of the beach by walking along the shore, and don't forget to carry your yoga mat.

  3. Bicycle anyone? Bicycling is another outdoor activity that gives you a good workout and with friends around, you won't even know the distance you’ve travelled.

It's important to be outdoors as it elevates you, gives you needed breaks and helps you prepare for the yoga routine of the coming week. Most important of all is that these activities help you rely on fewer calories. After meeting a goal, you can excuse yourself for an occasional slice of pizza at the end of the day.

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