
The Art of Living Foundation Partners with International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to Conduct SKY Breath Meditation for its Employees to Provide Stress Relief and Boost Mental Well-being

United States
3rd lipanj 2021

press release

Front Line Aid Workers and Volunteers Responding to COVID-19 Benefit from Evidence-based Meditation that Energizes, Brings Joy and Reduces Burnout

Washington, D.C., June 3, 2021 — To empower employees supporting various life-saving initiatives, including the response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Art of Living Foundation offered its flagship SKY Breath Meditation program to employees of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). This program allows IFRC global staff to have access to a powerful evidence-based breath-work and meditation tool that will bolster their mental and physical well-being.

The SKY Breath Meditation program is made available in six languages to employees of IFRC worldwide. Armed with a new training module that teaches how to manage mind and emotions, the aid workers will be able to support and sustain their efforts in contributing to their local communities with greater energy and enthusiasm.

95% of participants found the workshop to be valuable and said that they would recommend it to their colleagues. “I am so happy after this workshop and finally got time to invest in my well-being.”

“I feel really calm, settled, focused and grounded, and I am really inspired by a simple, practical approach that feels like it immediately works.”

In addition to 91% of participants who agreed that they felt calmer after the workshop, participants also reported a marked improvement in the quality of their sleep.

“Taking care of our mind is an utmost priority during the current times. Before we manage our external world, we need to manage our inner world and we are truly delighted to join hands with IFRC, which exemplifies service and inspiration to all,” said Rob Trombold, President of Art of Living Foundation USA. “Our program will help the health workers become centered, stable and strong mentally and emotionally as they continue to protect and serve their local communities.”

Jagan Chapagain, IFRC Secretary General said: 

"Over the past year, our volunteers and staff have been responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and other concurrent disasters. This work can take a huge toll both physically and emotionally. The Sky Breath meditation program has provided them with the tools to relieve their stress and anxiety so that they can continue their important work.”

The SKY Breath Meditation Program, previously known as the Happiness Program, has been taught to millions across the world. Since March 2020, many health workers around the world have experienced relief from the online program.

Over 70 independent studies have demonstrated a range of scientific benefits from practicing the breathing exercises taught on the SKY Breath Meditation workshop. Research has shown the practices decrease anxiety, reduce the stress hormone cortisol by over 50%, improve immune cell counts within as little as three weeks, and improve time spent in deep sleep three-fold.

About the Art of Living Foundation
AOLF aims to create a stress-free and violence-free society through fostering individual well-being and societal development. Founded in 1981 and present in 156 countries, it’s programs have touched over 400 million lives. – Twitter – Facebook – YouTube

About IFRC
IFRC is the world’s largest humanitarian network, comprising 192 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies working to save lives and promote dignity around the world. – Facebook – Twitter – YouTube

Media Contact
Art of Living Foundation
Kushal Choksi
Phone: 917.836.2819