
Art of Living Launches Trauma Relief Fund in the US

Santa Barbara, California, United States
28th studeni 2017

Many in the United States are experiencing trauma from natural disasters and man-made calamities. No age, economic group or region of the country has been spared.  Just over the last 12 months many lives have been lost, personal property totally destroyed while safety and comfort upended. Traumatized from fires (Northern California), floods (Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico, US Virgin Island), gun violence (Las Vegas, Sutherland Spring Texas, Sandy Hook CT) and numerous other tragedies, both victims and responders are feeling the stressful pinch of these changes and destruction.  

Our hearts go out to those who have been so brutally affected and we firmly stand committed to support those in distress.

Art of Living Foundation is launching The Art of Living Trauma Relief Fund. This resources gathered in this fund via Giving Tuesday initiative will help mobilize teams of trauma relief workers that can move quickly into suddenly stricken areas, sponsor program scholarships as well as provide transportation and supplies to victims of such incidences.

The foundation will match up to $50,000 for donations received before 12/31/17.
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About Art of Living: 

The Art of Living is a multi-faceted, not-for-profit educational and humanitarian Non-Governmental-Organization (NGO) with a global presence. Founded in 1981 by H.H Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living has become one of the largest voluntary organizations in the world. The goal of the organization is to serve society by strengthening the individual through educational programs and humanitarian service projects. The Art of Living has reached out to more than 370 million people in over 155 countries with its various programs

The programs are guided by Gurudev’s vision of peace. “Unless we have a stress-free mind and a violence-free society, we cannot achieve world peace.” To help individuals get rid of stress and experience inner peace, The Art of Living offers stress-elimination programs that include breathing techniques, meditation, and yoga. These programs have helped millions around the world to overcome stress, depression and violent tendencies.