About Prajñā Yoga

Prajñā Yoga – Intuition Process is a unique way to develop intuitive abilities through simple exercises and meditation.The program empowers children with sharper perception, alertness, improved learning skills, decision-making skills and removes the fear of the unknown. Regular practice helps children to develop and utilise intuition in their everyday life, impacting and improving studies, talents, communication and creativity.

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Research-backed designed Breath and Meditation Workshops for Children

Emotional Sociological Physiological
Get the right thought at the right time Increases confidence in one's own ideas and ability Improved focus
 Removes fear of the unknown Improvement in academics, sports and co-curricular activities Creativity
Helps in keeping the mind relaxed yet sharp Become internally more guided and therefor more disciplined Improved grasping power
Improves foresight leading to better decision making Better communication Improves mental, emotional and physical health
Better intuition Better inter-personal relationships  


Yogic techniques to help relax the mind and increase focus.

Guided meditation and relaxation techniques.

Activities such as blindfold color identification, reading, and games, which help participants to access and use intuition.

Home practice sequences

Recommended Reads

Then to Now- A Paradigm Shift

Go from To
“I am too scared of speaking in class. Everybody else seem so much more confident” “I am so much more confident in speaking up”
 “Why doesn’t anybody understand me??!” “I now understand others better. ”
“I could not help but be angry when grown-ups disallow me to do what I wish to do or when my sibling takes away my belongings .” “I don’t get angry easily.”
“I found it hard to open up about my feelings, especially to an adult” “I am able to communicate much better and openly.”
“I always used to fall ill during my unit tests.” “Now I am focused and getting good grades.”

Frequently Asked Questions

How The Art of Living Programs benefit CHILDREN


67% reported decrease in hyperactivity


29% reported increase in well being


69% reported decrease in emotional problems


22% reported increase in cognitive abilities

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