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International Yoga Day- 2016
21.06.2016I would like to thank the United Nations for declaring 21st June, the longest day, as World Yoga Day. Special thanks to the Prime Minister of India, who has mooted this resolution and made an extra special effort to bring yoga to the mainstream population ...Secrets To Success
15.06.2016(Below is a continuation of the post How To Be Fully In The Present Moment) Work, family, children, friends, films – between all of these, time management becomes quite difficult. What advice would you give us to try and step back a bit. Sri Sri Ravi Shan ...Kurs gotowania wg Ajurwedy
Jesteś tym co zjesz, strawisz i przyswoisz. Ale czy wiesz co zjeść i co zrobić, aby jak najlepiej strawić i przyswoić? Jak dostosować dietę to własnej, indywidualnej konstytucji oraz zmieniających się pór roku? Jak stosując przyprawy nadawać pożywieniu po ...How To Be Fully In The Present Moment
15.06.2016(Below is the talk given by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at the Institute of Chartered Accountants on 15th June 2016, in London) If there no peace, there is no prosperity, then I don’t think you will have any job to do (laughter). Accountancy has no job if ...How To Keep Your Mind Fresh
05.06.2016Below is the continuation of the post How To Make Your Vibrations Positive) Gurudev, how did you feel when you were six? Could you share in what phase of your life you felt you were fully realized? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You know something, I do not feel I ...How To Make Your Vibrations Positive
05.06.2016Today is World Environmental Day. You know, environment is not just the plants, trees and mountains. We are also part of the environment. Caring for each other and seeing that we are all happy is also part of the environment. Don’t you agree? Yes! If you s ...The Sign Of Progress
06.06.2016(Below is a continuation of the post Learn To Care For The Environment) What are the signs that can tell me that I am progressing on the path of sadhana and meditation? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Do you feel at home everywhere? You find a sense of unshakeable ...Learn To Care For The Environment
06.06.2016Yesterday, the World Environment Day was celebrated across the world. Only the ones who are unpolluted from within can take care of the environment. If someone’s mind is polluted with anger, aversion, hatred or greed, how can that person clean the envir ...How Yoga Can Benefit You
10.06.2016(Below is a continuation of the post Yoga In Its Truest Sense) Today, the knowledge of Yoga and its practices has been successful in bringing about a great transformation in the lives of thousands and thousands of people everywhere. Yoga is not just a the ...