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  1. Want to be a Child Again?

    T he first step out of bed and we let our minds fly to the rest of the day, making plans, mentally preparing for that presentation, being utterly restless. You nibble food but what you ingest is tight schedules and a pile of plans. Your body is there but ...
  2. Beat that bad breath!

    Your company is hosting a party for a recent success and every employee and board member is going to be there. You are dressed in your best evening gown, matching accessories and a pair of gorgeous stilettoes to compliment your look. People are admiring y ...
  3. O Menu dos que Meditam

    Você já pensou que a alimentação pode ser o segredo para uma meditação mais profunda? Aqui vai um guia alimentar desenhado exclusivamente para ajudar meditadores a se aprofundar.  Você já teve um daqueles dias onde você se senta para meditar mas você sent ...
  4. Yoga for Pre-menstrual Syndrome & Menstrual Pain

    Save your dates with Yoga! What is PMS? Pre Menstrual Syndrome (dysmenorrhea) means ‘painful periods’. PMS is aggravated by emotional stress or physical labor This discomfort is brought on two weeks prior to menstruations or during the cycle itself; is a ...
  5. Voditelji programa u Srbiji

    Svi voditelji Art of Living programa u Srbiji su obučeni i sertifikovani od strane međunarodne fondacije Art of Living. Iako ostvareni u svojim životnim pozivima, profesijama, roditeljstvu… potpuno ispunjenje nalaze u služenju društvu i okolini, redovno o ...
  6. Top tips for better meditation

    Did you know by spending just a little time preparing for your meditation, you can actually have a deeper experience in meditation? For your ease, the tips given below will help you prepare for your meditation. Once done, click on the guided meditation be ...
  7. Top tips for meditation

    Eyes closed, back straight, hands on your lap facing the sky, a gentle smile on the lips, and an aura of peace — does this image flash in your mind when you imagine someone meditating? But why just imagine? Why not experience real inner peace for yourself ...
  8. Top meditation tips!

    Eyes closed, back straight, hands on your lap facing the sky, a gentle smile on the lips, and an aura of peace — does this image flash in your mind when you imagine someone meditating? But why just imagine? Why not experience real inner peace for yourself ...
  9. Umetnost tišine

    Odmorite se u svojoj beskrajnoj prirodi Umetnost življenja – 2. deo obično se organizuje u nekoj rezidenciji na bar 2 ½ dana, omogućavajući optimalne uslove za odlazak duboko u sebe, za utišavanje našeg mentalnog monologa i za iskustvo dubokog odmora i un ...
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