The 3 Types of Maya

Tue, 12/12/2017 Bangalore, India

What is Maya? What is not Maya?

The word ‘measure’ in English comes from a Sanskrit root called ‘Maya’. Maya means that which can be measured. So, saying, “All this is Maya”, means everything here can be measured.


There are three types of Maya


Moh Maya

Moh Maya means attachment. When one becomes so attached to something (money or children, for example) that it blinds them, it is called Moh Maya.
There are many people who go after money a lot. They don’t care for their wife, children, mother, father, friends, or any relationship – only money is important. And for money, they are ready to do anything. They could even file a lawsuit against their own mother to prove her to be mentally unstable or go to the extent of killing someone – this is Moh Maya.
Similarly, there are some people who keep crying for their children. They just want their child to be with them for the entire twenty-four hours. They do not even understand what is good for the child. Doing this, they spoil the child’s life, and they also remain sad throughout their life. This is Moh Maya. That which does not bring you any great joy, but the absence of which causes you suffering is Moh Maya.


Maha Maya

Maha Maya is total ignorance. People who have no knowledge of spirituality (of that which is outside the realms of Maya.)

People who are not on the spiritual path, what do they do? They wake up in the morning, brush their teeth, drink their tea, eat, run to work, and do whatever they want to do there. Then they come back in the evening, eat a big meal, and go to bed. That's it – their whole life is like that. They are not sensitive and they are not sensible. They are like stones. You don't find humanness inside of them, and they don't feel themselves either. They also don't feel anything about anybody. This is Maha Maya – deep darkness.


Yoga Maya

Then there is Yoga Maya – there is Maya even in Yoga. This is very fascinating. Yoga Maya is the subtle inner experience of different divine powers, or channeling that comes as you progress on the spiritual path.

Sometimes, what happens is, through continuous practice of Yoga and spiritual practices, some divine powers get awakened within oneself. When this happens, then you are able to predict what is about to happen in the future. You get an intuition about future events and occurrences, or you start channeling spirits. Some spirits come and start talking to you.
Now, if you are not completely hollow and empty from within, and if you still have some cravings and aversions, then they interfere with your intuition. Then the intuition will not be 100% true. 50-60% of it will come true and the rest turns out to be false.

Many times, Yoga Maya is really tricky because there is some 60-70% percent truth in it. I know of one lady who was a very good meditator. She got into Yoga Maya. She would channel different spirits who would tell her – don't do this and don't do that. She would tell this to others and many times it would come true. Once that same spirit came and told her, "Your husband is a diabetic – don't give him medicine, he will be fine." Listening to her inner voice, she didn't give her husband his medicine and he became blind. That's when she came to me, and I told her to stop listening to these spirits. So, this is what happens in Yoga Maya.


These are the three types of Maya, and one has to cross over the three types.

Difference between Intuition and Yoga Maya

Unless and until you are totally centered and hollow and empty, your intuition is always colored by your own cravings and aversions. When you win over these things, then Yoga Maya is your friend and does not pose a challenge. That is why the Guru is essential because the Guru can guide you and tell you, “This is Yoga Maya.” Or s/he will say, “Yes, you are right.” So, without the Guru, you cannot win over Yoga Maya. A Guru is very necessary.

Though Lord Krishna was born a Siddha (perfected being), he had to have a Guru and so he went to Rishi Sandipani. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita, "Mama mayaduratyaya.
My Maya is very difficult to cross over, but it can be crossed over only by my grace, and only through me one can cross over that. That's what he told Arjuna.

So always be aware, be cautious of Maya. It can just come from somewhere and hold you in its grip, and the mind starts buzzing. Sometimes you have to snap out of that, and sometimes it also happens with grace.

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