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  1. Research on Sudarshan Kriya

    RESEARCH Research on Sudarshan Kriya™ Yoga (SKY) Discover the power of Art of Living's breathing exercises 70 independent studies on Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) From reducing stress to getting better rest, these techniques have a demonstrated measurab ...
  2. Sri Sri Yoga Teacher Training

    Sri Sri Yoga Teacher Training Course Become a Sri Sri Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance 200H & 500H) Find a Program Near You HTML field:  STRETCH Yourself and REACH Your Potential The Sri Sri Yoga Teacher Training Certification programs are an excellent opp ...
  3. Practice Groups | The Art of Living

    HTML field:  Sudarshan Kriya Practice Groups Connect With Others & Deepen Your Practice Find a Practice Group Icon:  Enjoy the company of a positive, spiritual community Icon:  Discuss knowledge to enhance your peace of mind Icon:  Refresh the techniq ...
  4. Volunteer Training

    Volunteer Training Enhance Your Leadership, Teamwork and Communication Skills Find a Volunteer Training Near You The Volunteer / Pre-Teacher Training is an intensive program which empowers you with the knowledge and confidence to become dynamic speakers a ...
  5. Introductory Sessions

    Introductory Sessions Get a taste of the Happiness Program Find a Session Near You Get a taste of the Happiness Program Find a Session Near You We all want happiness, but how do we get there? Come find out how in a fun-filled, interactive and informative ...
  6. Research on Sahaj Samadhi Meditation

    RESEARCH Research on Meditation From the cover of Time Magazine to more than 3,000 scientific studies, the benefits of meditation are becoming common knowledge. The Art of Living teaches a meditation technique called Sahaj Samadhi which has been shown in ...
  7. Art of Living Teacher Training

    Art of Living Teacher Training Become an Art of Living Teacher Deepen your wisdom Build inner strength Develop skills to uplift your community Find a Program Near You Art of Living Teacher Training Deepen your wisdom Build inner strength Develop skills to ...
  8. Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Teacher Training

    Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Teacher Training Become a Meditation Teacher Find a Program Near You If you love to meditate, and you love people, inevitably you will want to become a meditation teacher. If you have learned Sahaj Samadhi Meditation, you have alr ...
  9. Intuition Process (Prajna Yoga)

    直觉课程 (般若瑜珈) 《生活的艺术-直觉课程》适合5-18岁的孩童和青年,为期两天的课程。 我们都拥有与生俱来的一种直觉能力。这超越我们五个感官的认知。尤其是在孩童的心智还很清新,不被强迫,不执迷,而与大自然同调的时候更为明显可见。 《生活的艺术-直觉课程》帮助孩童发掘心智的直觉能力。这种既深沉又不可思议的天赋能力潜伏在每一个孩子当中。透过直觉课程能够适当地培育和滋养心智,使这种能力得以绽放且根深地固。 直觉课程的好处     *改善直觉力     *让知觉更敏锐     *觉知与预感更强烈     * ...
  10. Sri Sri Centre for Values and Culture (SSCVC)

    诗丽诗丽人文价值与文化中心 《人文价值与文化中心》是每周一次,旨在传授价值观的课程- 瑜珈与静心- 故事与游戏- 祈祷经文与传统家居配方 《人文价值与文化中心》是《诗丽诗丽儿童中心》的国际分支,专为7岁至11岁的孩童而设的课程。 课程的宗旨在于灌输正面价值观,并在孩童最适合塑型的年纪中,培养其整体全面的发展。在每周两小时的课程中,让他们吸收丰沛文化的智慧并在一个快乐,有趣好玩的居家环境中,谆谆教诲有益身心的生活实践。   以深植的价值观与健全的性格来铺设一个稳固的基础,让孩童长大成为敏感又明智的成年人。孩 ...