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  1. What is a Silent Retreat? Use This Simple Guide Before You Go

    When you think of a silent retreat, do you imagine struggling to keep silent, feeling bored, or possibly wanting to escape and get back to your regular routine? You’re not alone. A lot of people believe that they could never do a silent retreat, and so th ...
  2. Silent Retreat Near Me: Use Our Guide and FAQs To Get You Started

    Allow me to introduce myself, I am silent retreats’ #1 fan! 🙌🙌 In my 50 years of meditating, I have easily taken more than 100 meditation retreats (including 70 plus silent retreats). Some were weekend meditation retreats, and some a week or even longer ...
  3. Online Meditation Course: Now You Can Learn at Home!

    You've probably heard all about the benefits of meditation (more on that later!), but are wondering how to actually get started? Should you just sit by yourself and try to meditate, or watch a YouTube video and follow along? Or maybe you’re consideri ...
  4. Meditation Retreats: Why They Are The Best Way to Relax

    When it comes to dealing with daily life, meditation retreats are a great way to practice self-care and rediscover focus. They offer you a chance to step back from your daily life and deepen your meditation practice. They are great for your mental health, ...
  5. Relaxing Meditation Music to Guarantee a Peaceful Experience

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says “Meditation can make life musical, and music can bring a deep inner peace.” Listening to some nice soft music with closed eyes is a relaxing experience for many. Soothing music helps in releasing stress and relaxing the m ...
  6. Try a Silent Meditation Retreat to Tap Into Your Greatest Wealth

    We've all heard the old saying, "Silence is golden." But have you ever wondered what that really means? In the hustle and bustle of modern life, most of us never even take a moment to be quiet, let alone silent.  So does that mean our lives ...
  7. ​​Silent Retreat: Wondering if a Retreat Is Right for You?

    Have you ever wondered what takes place on a silent retreat? Or maybe you've even asked yourself why on earth someone would want to spend so much time in silence. Read on, and all your questions about silent retreats will be answered! What is a silen ...
  8. What is Mindfulness? A Simple Guide to Meditation Training

    Mindfulness is the practice of living in the present moment and being completely aware of what’s happening around you. Although it hasn’t always been popular in the Western world, meditation became more and more popular in the 1960s as hundreds of thousan ...
  9. I Hate People: Why You Feel This Way and How Meditation Can Help

    Experiencing feelings of hatred towards people is difficult. Whether it's a particular person or people in general that trigger us, it's very tiring and unpleasant to experience. We often think that someone hating us feels awful, but being in a ...
  10. The Scientific Benefits of Meditation: Head to Heart, Body to Mind

    Topics covered: Benefits of meditation infographic General benefits of meditation Physical benefits of meditation Mental benefits of meditation Complex physical and mental benefits of meditation How to get the benefits General benefits of meditation Here ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More