People are being born, and people die, then why do you need to save anybody from dying? Close down all the hospitals, shut down all the services. Anyways people die, what is the point? How does it matter if they die a little earlier or sometimes later? Sooner the better. This type of logic doesn’t hold good.
Our nature is to help. Our nature is to bring light. Our nature is to bring comfort to others, and make everyone feel happy. We can’t be in anyway different from that.
If you ask alum, 'Why do you clean the water?' It will say, 'It is in my nature'.
If you ask Sun, 'Why do give light to people?' It will say, 'That is my nature'.
If you ask a star, 'Why you twinkle in sky? It doesn’t help anybody'. It will say, 'That it is in my nature, to twinkle'.
So it is our nature to help others, and to bring comfort to life.
Every individual is in search of happiness. Even people who are doing bad things, are doing it in search of happiness. It is just that they don’t know that they won’t get it.
If they knew that they won't get happiness by doing bad things, they would never do it.
They are doing all the wrong things simply because they do not know that they won’t be able to get happiness out of it.
So it is our job to make them aware, 'See, if you keep doing all these wrong things, you are only going to get more miserable. It is better that you do good things, then you will be happy'.
After leaving the physical body, the place where soul departs to is Pitr Loka.
These lokas are present here only. It is like TV channels. If you change a channel on the television, that does not mean the other channel disappears. It is still there, but you just can't see it.
Similarly, we can see only this dimension, but there are other dimensions also that are present here, which we cannot see.
The mind is like a television box, and the soul is where we have all the channels. This is so interesting.
You know, it is so mind-boggling, there are so many layers to this creation; one layer is of human life, another layer is of the departed souls, another layer is of the deities (everything happens from this layer). Then there is the layer of the Gandharva (the realm of music).
Any renowned musician you meet, they have a Gandharva soul attached to them.
Like this, the creation has many layers.
Did you ask him if he is also annoyed by you? Go and ask him how annoyed he feels because of you.
See, these things are always two sided. And if someone is annoying, what can you do? Some people are like that! No matter how many times you try to make them understand, they just do not understand. So what is point of losing your peace of mind by getting angry at them. That is not a very intelligent thing to do.
You explain to them again and again, yet they just do not listen. To top it off, they even misuse the knowledge. They will use knowledge to their advantage. What can you do with such people? Even I don't know (laugher). Be as patient as you can!
Also, there are some people who will cause you to change your nature as well. However hard you try to live in peace, they will act in such a way that you will end up getting angry.
In such a situation, save your mind at any cost, and pray to God to either give them some sense, or some punishment.
Yes! However you are, I am always with you.
But the real question is, will you always be with me?
See, if you do sadhana then I am already with you, and you with me (referring to the union through the medium of sadhana).
Now if you like me, and you want to be with me, you will do at least a little bit of sadhana to be with me (through the medium of sadhana).
Sit quiet for a little while every day, do some meditation.
I don't easily encourage people to become full time teachers. I usually tell them to get permission from their parents, and if the parents are okay, then it is fine.
Being a full time Art Of Living teacher is not a difficult thing. It is not about undergoing severe penance, or walking through forests, or shaving your head and eating only once a day.
Being an Art of Living teacher is a very respectable position. In fact, it is more respectable than many of the other professions that people take. Art Of Living teacher do good for the society, and for that they are definitely rewarded.
Even I am wondering what to do.
So much is going on because of alcoholism. It has ruined the lives of millions of people. Millions of families are troubled because of alcoholism.
You bring him here. We will get him intoxicated in a different manner. When this intoxication happens, then others will be cured.