Please explain the meaning of the shloka, “Aapyaya swasametute shwatasoma vishnayam bhavavaajas syasangate”.
Aapyaya means a lovely atmosphere. Appa means very close or very near. Aapyaya means that which brings a very lovely atmosphere. ‘Shwatasoma vishnayam’ - to create a lovely atmosphere upon us, the moonlight is being showered. The moon is pouring the light and this will bring us strength. ‘Bhavavaajas’ means strength. When you realize this, you realize the power behind the moon.
The intention behind all the happening in the creation is Satchidananda, i.e., truth, bliss and consciousness. The higher self has made this arrangement. When you realize this, you become very strong. When the milk is poured on the Shiva Linga during Rudrabhishekam, this is the mantra that is chanted. It is connected with milk. It’s a beautiful mantra. For yoghurt there is a mantra, for honey there is a mantra. This is all done with so much precision. The ancient people were tremendously insightful!