If the whole existence is one then do we have a joint account of karma?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, there are so many types of karma. 1. Collective karma 2. Karma of the time 3. Karma of the place 4. Karma of a family 5. Karma of an individual There is individual karma, then you have family karma - what you call DNA. Then comes the karma of a region, state and country. Then there is karma of the time. During the time of World War II, all the people had similar karma and so all over the world there was war. At another particular time there was recession everywhere. There are different layers of karma. That is why Lord Krishna said, ’Gahana Karmano Gatih’. You cannot fathom the depth of karma. Don't try to analyze karma. Just do your duty and move on. Keep moving ahead with love in your heart and with prayer in your heart.