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Sukshma Yoga: This Gentle Yoga Can Relax You in 7 Minutes, Try Anytime
By Sejal Shah I Updated on: December 07, 2020 Sukshma yoga doesn’t require a mat or an hour of your time. These simple yoga poses can create peace and calm wherever you are in just 7 minutes. Are there days when you want to pull your hair apart, grind y ... -
Yoga Rave® Partying with Yoga
Over 1,200 people, performed yoga, meditated and swayed to the electronic beats of bhajans (devotional songs) on April 30, 2011. The success of Yoga Rave continues, as the party returned to the city of its origin, Buenos Aires. The four-hour long, non-alc ... -
Yoga for Seniors: Gentle Exercises
In late 2016, news articles about 98-year-old yoga instructor Täo Porchon-Lynch hit the interweb, stunning the world with videos and photographs of the senior yoga teacher’s body twisted into yoga postures that many 20-year-old’s only dream of achieving. ... -
Hands To Feet
Hastapadasana Lie on your back; feet together and hands relaxed alongside the body. Breathing in, lift the right leg with a smooth and continuous movement. Lift the leg as high as possible without bending the knees. Keeping the left leg pressed to the flo ... -
Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)
Supine Spinal Twist — Supta Matsyendrasana (Soop-tah-MOTS-yen-drAA-SUN-aa) — is a restorative spinal twist, that lengthens and strengthens the spine while detoxifying the internal organs. Supta Matsyendrasana is a gentle posture that stretches the spine, ... -
Lying-down Body Twist (Natrajasana)
Reclined Spinal Twist Supta Matsyendrasana (sU-pta-MOTS-yen-DRAHS-anah) — is a supine spinal twist that lengthens and strengthens the spine while massaging and detoxifying the internal organs. Reclined Spinal Twist is a gentle posture that stretches the s ... -
Yoga and the Mind
All is well, when the mind feels well. Hence in yoga, great importance is given to the wellness of the mind. Regular practice of yoga, benefits the mind in the following ways: Yoga increases peace of mind Yoga improves alertness and clarity Yoga increases ... -
Yoga for Seekers
Padmasadhana A yoga seeker (sadhak) needs the right direction to progress on the path. One such invaluable tool to deepen a yoga seeker’s practice is Padmasadhana. Padmasadhana is a beautiful package of Yoga asanas, pranayamas, and meditation, that enable ... -
Q and A With Gurudev
Q: How do I silence my mind? Gurudev: The Will to silence itself pays in many ways, meditation and Sudarshan Kriya help too! Q: What is spirituality and how can you incorporate spirituality in daily life? Gurudev: Spirit is Joy. Spirit is Love. Spirit i ... -
Benefits of Sun Salutation
How do you start your day? Often, the tendency is to grab your phone and check the weather, news, and texts before rolling out of bed to grab a cup of coffee (or your caffeine or choice). Tomorrow morning, instead of starting your day with a screen, roll ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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