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Standing Backward Bend (Ardha Chakrasana)
Standing Backward Bend — Ardha Chakrasana (Ar-DAA-Chahk-RAA-SUN-aa) — is a deep backbend that is great for opens the chest and increases flexibility in the spine. It gets its name from the Sanskrit words, ardha, meaning half, chakra, meaning wheel, and as ... -
Boat Pose: Set Sail For a Stronger Upper Body and Lower Belly
Boat Pose is well-known for increasing core strength and toning the abdominals. It gets its name from the Sanskrit words, Navasana (NAV-AAHS-uh-nuh). Nava means boat, and asana means posture. Level of Difficulty: Beginner Boat Pose benefits Strengthens ... -
Plow Pose: Increase Your Flexibility and Build Strength Now
Are you feeling weak and stiff? Plow pose can help you feel stronger and more flexible! Read to learn everything you need to know. Plow pose or Halasana (Haa-LAH-sa-na) gets its name from the Sanskrit words Hala, meaning “plow”, and Asana, meaning “pose ... -
How to get your yoga postures correct?
Thumb rule for breathing right in yoga postures While getting into a yoga posture, stretching in the pose, or making an effort-> breathe in Holding a posture-> breathe normally Returning to normal position (coming out of the pose)-> breathe out P ... -
Skip the Advil... Easy Yoga Poses for Menstrual Cramp Relief
Posted: January 24, 2018 There’s a reason women refer to their menstrual cycle as “The Curse”. According to WebMD, while half of all women experience pain and discomfort during their periods, 10% are temporarily disabled by their symptoms! Women experienc ... -
Breathing Exercises for Relaxation
The first act of life – breathing. The last act of life – breathing. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle but seems to assume utmost importance in our life. And this key element called breath, driving our very life journey, how often do we stop to ... -
Yoga Tips for Pregnant Women: Preparing for a healthy and safe delivery
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful experiences gifted to a woman. Yet this nine-month journey brings with it a variety of changes and emotions to juggle with. Yoga can help you cope with this journey, making it smooth and enjoyable! As is evident in t ... -
5 Reasons Why You Need Yoga Buddies
Face it: as exotic as it sounds to de-stress, relax and keep fit with a regular yoga routine, it is almost as difficult to get the discipline to stick to the practice. Yoga, like any other skill in life, requires hours of sincere lessons, days of unrelent ... -
Why Yoga Should Be On Your Resolution List
Top 6 reasons to make yoga one of your New Year resolutions. Come December and out are those personal diaries which may be lying somewhere covered in dust. These diaries are out for a reason at this time of the year. For, it’s the time to exercise your gr ... -
Celebrate Valentine's Day All Through The Year With Yoga
The winter has just bid good bye in most parts of the world and summer is yet to set in. That leaves us with the a beautiful season of spring. You open your window and see the fresh flowers blooming everywhere. The parks are flooded with children on the s ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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