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  1. Dive Deep Into Your Happiness With an Immersive Yoga Retreat: 7 Reasons for You to Enjoy a Retreat On This 4th of July Weekend

    By Sejal Shah | Posted: June 09, 2018   With the 4th International Day of Yoga around the corner, we at the Art of Living Foundation are celebrating with an incredibly special opportunity. Our 6 Days  IMMERSIVE YOGA RETREAT will be held during the America ...
  2. 3 Things Your Yoga Mat Would Tell You if it Could Speak: A Heartfelt Letter from A Yoga Mat to A Yogi

    By Isha Sharma | Posted: June 05, 2018 My dear yogi-being, Namaste! You and I have been close companions on this beautiful journey of yoga. Today, I am going to take this opportunity to tell you what I’ve been wanting to say for a long time: 1. “It’s okay ...
  3. Stretch Your Body, Mind, and Spirit: Top 7 Reasons for the Yoga Community to Attend the Joyful Yoga Conference This August

    By Sejal Shah | Posted: June 05, 2018 The path of the yogi is an ever-evolving journey, and yoga conferences and festivals are aspecial and often life-changing experience. It’s no wonder that there's a yoga festival happening almost every weekend in ...
  4. The second Yama of Yoga- Satya- Being Truthful: 5 Powerful Ways of Practicing Truthfulness And How It Impacts Your Everyday Life

    By Sejal Shah | Posted: Jun 5, 2018 After Ahimsa, in this series of understanding the Yamas and Niyamas from the Maharishi Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, let us explore the second of the five yamas — Satya or truthfulness. What is Satya The word ‘ sat ’ literal ...
  5. Progressing with Grace and Speed on the Path of Yoga in the Modern Age: How an Enlightened Guru Helps Transform Your Practice and Life

    By Sejal Shah | Posted: May 26, 2018 गुरू बिन ज्ञान न उपजई, गुरू बिन मलई न मोश | गुरू बिन लाखाई ना सत्य को, गुरू बिन मिटे ना दोष || There can’t be any knowledge without a Guru, there won’t be any salvation without a Guru, there won’t be any realization of ...
  6. Reconnect with the Authentic Spirit of Yoga Today with these 12 Yoga Quotes from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar And Celebrate International Day of Yoga

    By Sejal Shah | Posted: June 12, 2018 The 2016 Yoga in America Study conducted by Yoga Journal and Yoga Alliance shows that the number of US yoga practitioners has increased to more than 36 million, up from 20.4 million in 2012, while annual practitioner ...
  7. Anxiety Relief at Your Fingertips: 5 Yoga Mudras for Quick De-stress

    By Sejal Shah | Updated: July 30, 2020 Relief from anxiety is right at your fingertips. Learn these five easy Yoga Mudras and begin to cope with stress and panic attacks naturally. What is Mudra? The word Mudra in Sanskrit means “gesture”, “mark”, or “sea ...
  8. Secret of 7 Chakras Demystified

    Chakras  are the nerve centers seen in our body. There are 1,72,000  Nadis (channels of metaphysical energy or life-force) in our body, and there are various nerve centers for these 1,72,000  Nadis. The human body actually has 109 nerve centers, but among ...
  9. Yoga for Anxiety: The Top 10 Tips to Deal With Stress and Panic

    By  Denise Everheart If you’re experiencing too much anxiety, yoga can help! Yoga postures, breathing exercises, and meditation all help melt away anxiety. Read on… An epidemic of anxiety is spreading through our country like wildfire. About 40 million U. ...
  10. 10 Easy-to-do Yoga Poses for Beginners

    By Sejal Shah and Meena Waghray | Posted: May 01, 2018 Since its origin, yoga has  given refuge to many people across the world. Everyone can benefit, from fitness freaks to seekers of a calmer and more focused mind, from those wanting ways to relax to th ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More