The trust which stands after moving through the doubt is true trust. | Art of Living Australia

The trust which stands after moving through the doubt is true trust.

11 Jun 2010 Turkey

Continued from the last post:
Excerpts of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s talk in Hamburg, Germany

You know, I remember an incident. My father used to tell me that my grandmother gave ten and a half kilo of gold that she had to my grandfather to give it to Mahatma Gandhi, and my grandfather stayed with Mahatma Gandhi for 20 years. You know, Indian women love gold a lot. So, usually they receive gold as gift in marriage and every function. My grandmother was a very beautiful woman. She had received a lot of gold. She had ten and half kilo gold at that time. Imagine how much it was! Except one chain, she gave away everything to Mahatma Gandhi when he started the freedom movement in India. You know, nobody compels you to give, but your giving brings certain amount of satisfaction.
I say two things that you have to have in life. One is smile more, serve as much as you can and not to worry.

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