How to escape from time? | Art of Living Australia

How to escape from time?

When you are happy, the mind expands; then time appears too short. When you are unhappy, the mind contracts; then time appears too long.

When the mind has equanimity, you transcend time.

To escape from time, many resort to alcohol, sleep, etc., but when the mind is dull or unconscious, it is unable to experience the Self.

Samadhi (no-mindedness, timelessness) is the real peace. A few moments of samadhi gives the mind a lot of energy. This is the greatest healer.

A thought is nothing but a ripple in this moment of time. This moment also has a mind of its own – a Big Mind which has infinite organizing power.

Before you fall into slumber and as soon as you wake up from sleep, in the moments of twilight of consciousness, experience this timelessness beyond mind!