With Whom Are You At Ease? | Art of Living Australia

With Whom Are You At Ease?

With whom do you feel really comfortable and at ease?

You feel comfortable with someone who does not question your love, someone who takes for granted that you love them. Isn't it?

If someone doubts your love and you constantly have to prove it, this becomes a heavy load on your head. When someone doubts your love, they start questioning you and demanding explanations for all your actions. To explain everything you do is a burden. Your nature is to shed the burden, and so you don't feel comfortable.

When you question the reason behind an action, you are asking for justice for yourself. You are creating a distance when you ask for justice. Your whole intention is to come close, but you are creating a distance.

You are a witness to all your actions. You are as much a stranger to your own actions as you are to someone else's. You are the Eternal Witness. When someone asks for an explanation, they are speaking from doership and imposing that doership on you. This brings discomfort.

If somebody is just there with you, like a part of you, they don't question you. They are like your arm. There is thorough understanding and questions don't arise. Neither demand an explanation nor give an explanation.



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