Overcoming Those Doubts | Art of Living Australia

Overcoming Those Doubts

29 May 2014 Bangalore, India

(Below is a continuation of the post A Time To Reflect)

Now having understood this, you might want to ask, 'How can we increase our Sattva (positivity)? How can we overcome and go beyond these tendencies?'
It is through meditation.
Do more Seva, Sadhana and Satsang. How does it help? It elevates you from Tamoguna (quality or attribute of consciousness characterized by inertia, lethargy and negativity) and takes you towards Rajoguna (quality or attribute of consciousness characterized by restlessness, activity and passion), and then from Rajoguna brings you into Satoguna (quality or attribute of consciousness characterized by clarity, wisdom and righteous action).
This is the purpose behind everything here. We experience the effect of all the three Gunas from time to time, and they keep changing from one into another. But by eating the right kind of food, right kind of behaviour, right company and meditation; one can change and go beyond these tendencies.

If you constantly keep the company of Tamasi people, soon you too will become like them and sink deeper into constant regret and negativity of the mind.
Sometimes we have seen young children say things like, 'Oh, I have seen it all in life. Everything is useless. I never get anything I really want. There is so much misery. Throughout my life people misbehave with me and curse me'.
Can you imagine a small child saying such things? A young girl was saying such things once. How long has the child really lived to say things like this?
Then her mother explained that it was her grandmother who used to say such things, and the child picked it up from her and started saying the same things, like a parrot.
So the way you behave and interact in front of children affects them in a great way. If you are in a Rajasik or a Tamasik mindset before children, they pick it up instantly and start behaving the same way.

Our company affects us in a great way. Suppose four people are sitting together, and one of them starts complaining, 'This is not good, and that is not right'; soon the other three also join in and do the same. Then all four will start talking negatively and in half an hour all of them will feel tired and dull. They will return home with a dull and long face.
You should sit with people who say, 'Come on, let us all work to bring more and more happiness and enthusiasm to everybody. Everything is great. What can we do to make it even better?'
When Sattvik Dhriti and enthusiasm combine, you can do so much more.

See, sometimes if you go workout all alone by yourself at the gym, you feel so lazy that you do not want to go. But if there is a friend who is willing to join you, or go with you every day, then you will not feel like missing the gym even for a day. Isn’t it so?
Then even if you do not want to go someday, you still drag yourself out and go. The same is the case with Yoga and Sadhana. If it is a compulsion for you to do it, you feel you have to drag yourself for it every time.

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