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  1. Tips to Reduce Anger

    Have you noticed that no matter how many times you remind yourself that getting angry is not good, yet when the emotion comes you are unable to control it. All through your childhood you have only learnt that ‘You should not get angry’ but the question re ...
  2. 7 Meditation Mantras for Youth: Sit Still, Move Mountains

    All the adventures in a person’s life are normally concentrated in the few years between 16 and about 25.It is imperative that we learn to ride the storms and scale the heights. Choices are made, words are spoken, actions are taken faster than the speed o ...
  3. 8 Tips to Get Started with Meditation

    Did you know by spending just a little time preparing for your meditation, you can actually have a deeper experience in meditation? For your ease, the tips given below will help you prepare for your meditation. Once done, click on the guided meditation be ...
  4. Yoga For The Modern-day Man

    As a child, I grew up watching cartoon characters like Superman, Popeye and Hercules. These men were brave, strong and ever helpful. Whatever be the catastrophe, they would always turn up and defeat the bad guys, no matter whatever the size of their foe. ...
  5. Basic Tips to Get Started With Yoga

    How often do we figure a person doing the headstand against some picturesque backdrop and say ‘yoga is not for me’ You might want to revisit your thought once you go through the basic tips which yoga has to offer. Read them and find yourself doing yoga ag ...
  6. Аз жаргалтай гэр бүл харилцааны нууцууд

    Баяр наадам хүлээлгүй, гэр бүлтэйгээ агшин хором бүхэнд баярлаарай. Юу л байна, та түүнийгээ хуваалцах боломжтой. Та гэр бүлээ аз жаргалтай эвтэй байлгахыг хүсвэл, эхлээд өөрөө аз жаргалтай амар амгалан байх хэрэгтэй. ТЭР аз жаргалын эх сурвалжийг олох ну ...
  7. Оюун санааны мэдрэмж

    Амьдралын зорилгоо олж мэдэхтүн. Амьдрал, бүтээхүйн тайлагдашгүй нууцыг нээгээрэй. Эрх чөлөөгөө амталж, оршихуйн дотоод гүнээ судалаарай. Гэгээрэлийн харгуй өөд зугуухан замчлуулан алх. Багшийн дэргэд туйлаас үнэн, хамгийн дээд мэдлэг, зэрэгцүүлэшгүй жарг ...
  8. Хувь хүний хөгжил

    “Тань шиг хэн бугайн ч дэлхийн түүхэнд гарч байгаагүй, таньтай адилхан хэн ч цаг хугацааны хязгаарт ирж байгаагүй. Та цор ганц нь. Та олдошгүй нь. Та давтагдашгүй нь. Давтагдашгүй ер бусаа баярлан тэмдэглэ.” – Шри Шри Рави Шанкар Сэтгэл эзэмдсэн сүр хүчээ ...
  9. Advanced courses

    Blessings Program "That state when you don't want anything... then the blessings that flow out are bound to materialize."- Gurudev                                                                                                          The ...
  10. Free Introductory Session

    Join us at any of our local centers to find more about the benefits gained by the courses listed below. Art of Living course (Part 1)   Within you lies vast, untapped possibilities waiting to be discovered. Through the Art of Living Course this potential ...