Our Flagship Course

The Meditation and Breath Workshop

Powerful breathing techniques and wisdom that can change your life.
Finally, get out of your rut, restore your vibrancy and live your best life.

Less Stress,
More Living

Regain your calm with evidence-basedpractices on our courses.

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Beyond Breath
A Free Breath and
Meditation Session

In this free introduction to Sudarshan Kriya,
you'll learn powerful breathing
techniques to quickly quiet your mind.

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Discover the
Science of
Sudarshan Kriya

New Yale study shows
Sudarshan Kriya
outperforms alternatives.

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  • “Life Changing”

  • “May be the fastest-growing spiritual practice on the planet”

  • “Like Fresh Air to

  • “Show promise in providing relief for depression”

  • “Life Changing”

  • “May be the fastest-growing spiritual practice on the planet”

  • “Like Fresh Air to

  • “Show promise in providing relief for depression”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Founder, The Art of Living

Gurudev has brought yoga, meditation and practical wisdom to millions of people in over 180 countries.

“Whenever you are in love and feel joyous, your mind is in the present. That is when you achieve yoga. The art of living lies in being in the present moment.”

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