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  1. ‘Meditation will help you to go ahead in spite of failures’

    H.H. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar inaugurated the MILK (Meditation and Inspiration Center for Living and Kindness) at the Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India on November 26, 2009. Later, students had an interactive session with Gurudev.Foll ...
  2. ‘Do something useful to everybody & if you do that, then everything else is taken care of’

    : The Mahasatsang had the characteristic elements of an Art of Living celebration: Gaan (music), Gyaan (knowledge) and Dhyaan (meditation). A team of highly talented musicians played a series of fusion pieces integrating Western rock and Indian classical m ...
  3. ‘For harmonious sustainable growth of a society, all different sections of society will have to work in rhythm, in harmony’

    (H.H Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s addressed an august gathering on November 18, 2009 on the occasion of the Minister-President of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, (Germany) Mr. Gunther H Oettinger visiting the Art of Living International Center, Bangalor ...
  4. ‘Satsang, meditation and pranayama is the best gift to you’

    , 2009:The second day of the advanced meditation program in Kannada saw songs of deep meaning being sung in satsang.One participant had composed a song based on the wisdom from the previous day. The song was a declaration of the beautiful, ‘I don’t know’ a ...
  5. ‘Only through meditation can true knowledge dawn within you’

    , 2009:A Special advance course with 730 participants from all over Karnataka were in Satsang with a few hundred yuvacharyas (youth leaders) from rural Maharashtra and 280 Sri-Sri-yoga-teachers-to-be. Kannada and Hindi were the prevailing languages that we ...
  6. Q/A session with Sri Sri in Philippines, 3rd November 2009

    Q: Guruji there seem to be so many single parents these days. Why is that?H.H Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When People are not able to deal with their own stress and negative emotions, they project them onto the people closest to them, usually the husband ...
  7. Sri Sri’s address at the 2009 Israeli Presidential Conference “Facing Tomorrow”, 22 October 2009

    From H.H Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s address at the 2009 Israeli Presidential Conference “Facing Tomorrow”, in a session entitled, “Stop the World, I want to get off!”Families have become smaller today, and values are eroding. We don’t have the same sys ...
  8. "Good thoughts come you say come, come, come, bad thoughts come, you say, go, go, go", Oct 15th, Tokyo

    H.H Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s Talk at the One World Family Event in Tokyo, 15th October 2009Om Shanti Shanti Shanti, Arigatougozaimasu, HaiAs Reverend Uchida and other dignitaries here already mentioned, we need to look at the world today from a diffe ...
  9. H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar key note address- Verbatim- WHO Conference, Oct 6 th, Sri Lanka

    Om shanti shanti shanti , Honorable Minister, His Excellencies and Dignitaries on the dais, friends and distinguish guests. As I was listening to our Honorable Minster of Health speak about mental well being, it came to my mind, you know the word for healt ...
  10. Sri Sri in Sri Lanka, Oct 5th 2009

    In his fifth visit to Sri Lanka yesterday Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar blessed over 10,000 people with meditation, prayers and sacred chants at the country’s largest, Sugatha Dasa indoor stadium in Colombo. The mega event titled “Uniting Hearts and Minds” h ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More