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  1. Tips To Handle The Challenges Of A Career In Athletics

    A professional athlete’s key to success lies in his ability to manage all fronts equally well. As an athlete, do you sometimes feel you have to play the game not only on the field but in life too, juggling personal time with time for family, training, and ...
  2. How to get rid of karma through meditation

    What does karma mean? The literal meaning of karma is action. It is said, strange are the ways of karma. The more you understand it, the more amazed you become. It brings people together and also separates them. It causes some to be weak and some to be st ...
  3. 9 Exclusive Ways To Becoming A Smart Shopper

    Who doesn’t feel the need to shop? Stores stand tall because we alone cannot meet all our needs; we depend on them. The whole mechanism works perfectly fine as long as we know what to buy and when to buy. But how often are we aware of this? Shopaholics in ...
  4. Discover the Intelligent Shopper in You! (Part- 2)

    Continued from Discover the Intelligent Shopper in You! (Part- 1) Way #6: Stop Resisting & You’ll Find That It Will Stop Persisting. You might have noticed that the more you resist yourself from doing something, the more your mind wanders in that dire ...
  5. How to be More Compassionate?

    How to be more compassionate We all want to be the best version of ourselves. However, this awareness could be lost in the business of everyday life. All of us have experienced moments when we wished we could have been more patient, compassionate and kind ...
  6. A Vegetarian Meditation Challenge

    For most of us, eating non-vegetarian food could mean anything, from simply being a belief to being a way of pampering our taste buds. And, of course, we don’t find anything wrong in it either; after all, it’s hard to resist a non-vegetarian dish once we ...
  7. A Mother's Guide to Raising Fine Pre-teens

    A mother’s job has no retirement age and her child is always a priority. As kids grow older than 7, they start exploring the world and its ways, adding to their library of discoveries and learning. For pre-teens, it is a transformative period and often ma ...
  8. A Mother's Guide to Raising Fine Pre-teens-2

    W ithout naughtiness, childhood isn't complete. Kids are born with a streak of naughtiness- it is natural. Yet, sometimes, they go out of control and that's what a mother doesn't want. Are you one of those anxious moms searching for a solut ...
  9. A Mother's Guide to Raising Fine Pre-teens-3

    T oday, television has become an addiction for kids. They watch television when they are eating, when they are studying, when they are put to sleep, and sometimes even in the morning before they leave for school. They are hooked to television like a spide ...
  10. A Mother's Guide to Raising Fine Pre-teens-4

    I s your kid finding it difficult to make friends? Friendship is such an important relationship in every kid’s life. In a way, it completes them. But what could be the reason for a few kids finding it difficult to make friends? Dear Concerned Mother, your ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More