What is Sri Sri Yoga ?
Sri Sri Yoga is a discipline, both gentle and powerful, that integrates elements from the different paths of yoga, especially Hatha yoga, uniting the body, mind and breath in awareness. Here the wisdom and techniques of yoga are brought to you in a joyful and thorough manner, and covers a vast range from breathing techniques to various body postures (asanas) to knowledge and guided meditations. Sri Sri Yoga goes beyond the physical body and helps you sharpen your sensitivity towards more subtle levels of existence, leading to a full blossoming of the human potential.
How Sri Sri Yoga is a path to a Stress-free Body and Mind ?
Sri Sri Yoga celebrates the diversity in yoga in a simple and joyful manner. We combine yoga essentials: breathing techniques (pranayama), stretching, yoga postures, meditation, relaxation and yogic knowledge. By incorporating all these beautiful facets of yoga, we are able to look beyond the level of the physical body and really sharpen our sensitivity and awareness of subtler levels of existence. Practice of Sri Sri Yoga cultivates a healthier and happier lifestyle.
What Is In Sri Sri Yoga Classes For You ?
Sri Sri Yoga Programs have been designed by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for the well-being of the body while nurturing your mind and spirit. Whether you are a beginner to yoga or a regular practitioner wanting to dive deeper into yoga practice, you will find something for yourself in Sri Sri Yoga program. Yoga is not just doing some body-twisting postures – it is experiencing the union of the body, mind and breath – and Sri Sri Yoga gives you that experience. Ideal for beginners as well as advanced practitioners who would like to enrich their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Content of an Sri Sri Yoga class:
Sri Sri Yoga is gentle yet very powerful. Sri Sri Yoga is a blend of the following:
- Asana (Postures): A series of asanas are taught for the well-being of the body and mind, suitable for different levels of yoga students from beginners to advanced (Hatha Yoga)
- Pranayama (Breathing Techniques): A series of pranayamas for awakening the Kundalini and regulating the flow of prana energy (Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga)
- Meditation: Meditations for further nurturing the mind and spirit (Raja Yoga)
- Knowledge: Practical wisdom that one can apply in day-to-day life for the purpose of contemplation or dealing with a life’s challenging situation (Jnana Yoga)
- Seva: An opportunity to get involved in various service projects (Karma Yoga)
- Satsang: Being in the company of truth/knowledge - this is an opportunity to get together with like minded people to sing and celebrate.(Bhakti Yoga)
Sri Sri Yoga Level 1 –
First step to a happy & healthy life ! Best for Yoga Beginners !
This 10-hours yoga workshop provides an experience of all aspects of yoga and makes yoga fun to learn, including:
- Combination of gentle and vigorous postures as well as dynamic exercises
- Powerful breathing techniques
- Application of yogic Knowledge
- Simple tools for relaxation
- Guided meditations
- Yogic perspective on attaining a balanced diet
- Introduction to Ayurveda, the science of life
A personal yoga plan is charted for everyone and they are introduced to Ayurveda where they learn about yogic diet. Through this course, the bountiful fruits of yoga can be experienced quickly.
Pre-requisites: None
Course format: You can experience Sri Sri Yoga Level 1 in your neighbourhood or treat yourself to a yoga retreat in one of The Art of Living Centers.
Sri Sri Yoga Level 2 -
Detox the body and de-stress the mind !
As yoga enthusiasts many of us are on the lookout for a yoga course that can help us explore the depths of yoga - from philosophy to practice. Sri Sri Yoga Level 1 introduces us to the breathing techniques (Pranayam), techniques of yoga poses (Asana), and meditation; while Sri Sri Yoga Level 2 gives us an opportunity to go deeper into the realm of yoga and understand what it means to live like a yogi !
Dive deep in Yoga !
Advanced yoga does not have to necessarily mean difficult yoga. Here we thoroughly explore yoga postures, ancient yogic knowledge, breathing and meditation in a gentle yet profound, celebrative and joyful retreat setting.
- Correct your postures for better symmetry and alignment
- Physical and emotional cleansing through Shankh Prakshalan and Neti
- Understand yoga scriptures better
- Learn new pranayamas (breathing techniques) such as Chandrabhedi, Suryabhedi, Sheetali
- Experience SSaHC* : Subtle strengthening and Healing Contractions
- Experience silence in activity and activity in silence
*SSaHC: A new, gentle and meditative muscle contraction exercise program for strengthening and toning muscles, restoring the balance and harmony at physical and pranic levels, decreasing chronic pains, and above all for giving you a meditative experience of yourself.
Yogis who have completed Sri Sri Yoga Level 1 & the Happiness Program or YES!+ program can took part.