Trauma Relief for Veterans


Roughly 20 veterans a day commit suicide nationwide, according to new data from the Department of Veterans Affairs. We are working to change that.

About Project Welcome Home Troops

a project of IAHV, a partner nonprofit of The Art of Living

Project Welcome Home Troops aims to address the intense distress some returning veterans experience. Many of these brave men and women have been repeatedly exposed to traumatic events and life-threatening situations on multiple deployments to combat zones.

Project Welcome Home Troop’s Power Breath Meditation workshop transforms lives restoring well-being, mental focus and a renewed sense of connection and purpose. Research shows that Veterans make significant progress healing from post-traumatic stress using the SKY Breathing Meditation technique.  This powerful program addresses the root of the extreme stress of military life including multiple deployments, traumatic loss, and reintegration with family and community.  The program proudly serves military installations, Veterans Affairs Hospitals, Vet Centers and communities around the United States.


12 years

of service

30 cities

around the US


of Veterans report greater peace of mind, less stressed, less anxiety and worry.


report a greater sense of well-being, more contentment and joy.

Project Brochure:

Power Breath Meditation Workshop

Project Welcome Home Troops offers the Power Breath Workshop as a resilience-building program specifically designed to address the needs of returning combat veterans.It offers practical breath-based tools that decrease the stress, anxiety and sleep problems that many returning veterans experience. Through rhythmic breathing patterns, the IAHV’s SKY Practice brings deep mental and physical relaxation which significantly reduces symptoms of PTS, depression, and anxiety with lasting effect. Through interactive discussions, the Power Breath Workshop builds a framework for resilience and empowerment and develops self-awareness, connectedness and community, and a positive outlook.

Trauma and Veterans

The National Institutes of Health estimate that, of the approximately 2 million veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, up to 20% suffer from post-traumatic stress or PTS. Veterans of previous wars may also continue to experience symptoms of PTS. PTS is an anxiety disorder that develops as a result of exposure to a traumatic event and is characterized by three categories of symptoms.

Traditional treatments for veterans’ PTS are currently insufficient. Many veterans drop out of traditional therapeutic treatments because the process of recounting traumatic events is emotionally taxing. They often fail to continue drug treatments due to the drugs’ side effects. Research is showing that the only FDA approved drugs for PTS (i.e. SSRIs) are not helpful in addressing PTS. A recent study shows that of those veterans who actually undergo an entire course of treatment, only 50% show signs of recovery. There is clearly an urgent need to provide alternate methods of helping returning veterans reclaim their lives.

A man or woman with the courage to face war does not easily embrace the role of a victim with a diagnosis be it insomnia or PTS. Rather than depending on a drug or therapist, veterans value learning tools which they can use to help themselves. The Power Breath Workshop allows veterans to regain a sense of self-mastery and control because they learn techniques they can use on their own. Research shows that these programs are effective, safe, prevention-based and free of known side-effects. They can be scaled up to serve large numbers of veterans at a lower cost than many traditional interventions.

Visit Project Welcome Home Troops website

Almost Sunrise

The work of PWHT is featured in the award-winning documentary film Almost Sunrise, airing nationwide on PBS.

Almost Sunrise is a story of veteran resilience and recovery. The film follows two Iraq veterans, Tom Voss and Anthony Anderson, who struggle with depression upon returning home from service. Fearful of succumbing to the epidemic of veteran suicide, they seek a lifeline and embark on a 2,700-mile walk across America as a way to confront their inner pain. The film captures an intimate portrait of two friends suffering from the unseen wounds of war as they discover an unlikely treatment: the restorative power of silence and meditation.

Read more about the campaign.


  • Afghanistan
  • Iraq
  • Iraq
  • Gulf War
  • Vietnam
  • Vietnam
  • A few weeks ago shooting, cars exploding, screaming, death, that was your world. Now back home, no one knows what it is like over there so no one knows how to help you get back your normalcy. They label you a victim of the war. I AM NOT A VICTIM… but how do I get back my normalcy? For most of us it is booze and Ambien. It works for a brief period then it takes over your life. Until this study, I could not find right help for me. BREATHING like a champ.

    -Nathan Hruska

    US Marine Corps
    Operation Enduring Freedom

  • This workshop has done more than I ever could have imagined. Not knowing there were any underlying issues made it hard to even acknowledge or accept them. After doing the workshop and continuing my home practice, I have opened the door to my emotions. I am happy to say that I can feel happiness as well as sadness, and both are great. Just being able to feel has been an amazing experience for me, and has made me become connected with friends and family. I have been given a new life, and I feel empowered to share my new self with everyone. It has been a very interesting journey for me, coming from a cold person who judged and criticized everyone to an open and loving person who is dedicated to serving my community and helping others make the same transition that I went through. Thank you for giving me a life worth living.

    – Travis Leanna

    U.S. Marine Corps
    Operation Iraqi Freedom

  • I stumbled upon The Power Breath workshop a couple years ago now, at the time I didn’t realize the impact it would have on me. The experiences I had, the people I met, and the things I learned truly changed my life! I’m not sure words can really describe the shift I have felt… I have found an inner contentment and peace that I had not experienced before the course. I learned to be more accepting of myself and others. I learned the POWER the breath has… and how it is the key to surviving any and every situation life throws at you. I have repeated the course a few times and have encouraged everyone I know to consider it. Make the time, see for yourself, it will be worth every breath!

    – Jennifer Kannel Ambord

    WI Army National Guard
    Operation Iraqi Freedom

  • After getting out of the Army I did not adjust well to civilian life. I was short-tempered toward everyone. After learning the breathing techniques most of my anger dropped away. Now I approach life with a calmness I never had before. On the rare occasions when I do get angry, I have easy-to-use techniques to relax and get rid of the stress. I have a new-found confidence to meet any challenge that arises.

    -Ron Bayes
    U.S Army, Desert Storm

  • The course really puts you in touch with your breathing and how it affects your stress levels. You become calm and relaxed with less stress… It is an extremely useful tool for individuals who suffer emotional trauma.

    – Shad Meshad

    Vietnam Veteran
    Founder & Director, National Veteran’s Foundation

  • The course was very beneficial for me uncovering things about myself that I never realized had been bothering me. It helped me be at peace with myself from issues, feelings and the things that I participated in at war… Through that I have been able to come to peace with some of the things that I did and the way I felt about them. I wish I could have learned this breathing 40 years ago.

    – Noel
    Vietnam Combat Veteran

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More