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  1. An unusual passion for natural farming promises to turn around the lives of farmers

    “I wish no Indian household had to eat poison and urea. It is a heinous crime to play with human life,” says Yogita Sharan Singh. She is an MA in Economics, a journalist-turned-editor of a newspaper in Bhopal, India. A young blood from the state of Chatti ...
  2. A life-changing decision for this farmer

    A much-hyped issue in India is revolving around food – the modifications in it, the injecting of plants, the organic and the chemically-grown. The perplexing debate around food requires a better understanding of the food we consume and feed our families. ...
  3. Farmers switch to older farming methods, a win-win for all

    They are poor- an unfortunate outcome of adopting chemical usage in farming practices. Yet, they went back to their roots and adopted older methods of farmings- with surprising results. “I don't have easy availability of water and I am not financiall ...
  4. Vrijwilligerswerk

    Veel waardevol en onmisbaar werk wordt in Nederland gedaan door vrijwilligers. Dit varieert van het maken van vertalingen, koken, (helpen bij) de organisatie van evenementen tot dtp-werk, aanwezigheid op beurzen en festivals en talloze andere grote en kle ...
  5. Introductieworkshop

    In de introductieworkshop die ongeveer twee uur duurt, worden de basisprincipes van het Happiness Programma uitgelegd: de werking van de adem, de werking van onze geest en hoe de adem, onze emoties en gedachten en ons lichaam onderling zijn verbonden en e ...
  6. Ayurvedische kookcursus

    Informatie volgt binnenkort! ...
  7. Partner With Us- CSR

    A Valuable Social Commitment Our impact is vast. We have successfully completed many projects advocating self-reliance, which have benefited millions of people. With the commitment from technical and financial support collaborators like you, we can accele ...
  8. Once an alcoholic, this professor now steers youth de-addiction programs

    Once an alcoholic, this professor now steers youth de-addiction programs Professor Dr. Purushottam Wayal was once an alcoholic. He fought his odds with extraordinary courage and went on to become a charismatic social worker and leader of the masses. Dr. W ...
  9. Kathewadi: An ideal village from another time

    Sangeeta Anand visits Kathewadi village in Maharashtra's Nanded district to see an amazing transformation. We are finally in view of Kathewadi, a tiny village in the back of the beyond in Nanded district in Maharashtra. It's been a six-hour jour ...
  10. Succesvolle Crowdfunding voor een opleiding voor meisjes

    In nog geen 1,5 maand is met ons crowdfunding project bij de 1% club het hele bedrag van 3400 euro bij elkaar gespaard, waarmee 10 meisjes een beroepsopleiding tot schoonheidsspecialiste kunnen volgen. Namens hen en het team IAHV: heel hartelijk dank aan ...