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  1. Doe mee met de grootste live Vredesmeditatie ooit Lieve allemaal, “Een van de belangrijkste doelen van het World Culture Festival is om de wereld een boodschap te geven dat wij één wereld, één familie zijn,” zegt Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.  “Een familie die zorgt ...
  2. Devi Mahatmyam Voyage towards a fully blossomed self

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader, works towards a violence- and stress-free world through bringing about the inner growth of individuals. During Navaratri, this gets highlighted through Devi Mahatmyam or Durga Sapth ...
  3. The Navratri Yagnas and You

    Navaratri means "nine nights" and also "new night". Creation happens in the darkness, in the womb of the mother and underneath the soil. Nine months in the womb are like nine long nights where the spirit takes human form. Night provide ...
  4. 2012: The Beginning- de DVD-film over de waarheid van de Mayakalenders

    Wat de heilige Mayateksten werkelijk zeggen 21 december 2012 is een datum waar veel over is gesproken: is het het begin van het einde of een nieuw begin? In deze documentaire ontdek je wat de oude Maya's geloofden.  In '2012: The Beginning' ...
  5. Navratri Celebrations 2013- FAQ

    Here you will find many questions answered. Please go through all questions carefully, if there are any further queries or your question cannot be found, please email ARRIVAL QUERIES POOJAS & HOMAS PROGRAM AND PAYMENT QUERIES ASHRAM ...
  6. Grand Guitar Ensemble

      2nd July, 20.45- 21.00, Olympiastadion Berlin The World Culture Festival in Berlin will host a colorful concert with over 2,000 guitarists from every corner of the world gathering together. Music transcends cultural borders and political boundaries. In ...
  7. FAQs

    Frequently Asked Questions: General Information Travel Accomodation Transportation Food Event World continents Pavilion Yoga Park Tickets Volunteer Cultural program Child care Medical Emergency Scholarship Courses General Information Q: How can I get the ...
  8. Travel

        Introduction Transportation Flights to Europe Transportation in Europe Getting around in Berlin Safety Public Safety Theft and Fraud German Culture History Germany today German Language Religious Life Sightseeing Berlin Sightseeing in Germany Major de ...
  9. Maha Sudarshan Kriya & Satsang

    Uniek bezoek: Z.H.Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar komt 17 juni 2012 naar Haarlem Ochtendprogramma met Maha Sudarshan Kriya & Satsang Faith is realizing that you always get what you need Een overgetelijke avond met levenswijsheid, muziek en meditatie Lezi ...