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  1. Interreligieuze harmonie

      Multicultureel onderwijs Van Azië tot Amerika is de wereld op zoek naar een remedie tegen terrorisme en geweld; het blijft een terugkerend probleem van onze tijd. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar biedt een krachtige oplossing in een eenvoudige vorm: multicu ...
  2. Politiek en spiritualiteit

    “Spiritualiteit zou in de politiek moeten komen,” was Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s advies aan de Indiase minister van Luchtvaart Praful Patel tijdens een gesprek voor de Indiase televisie. Hij vervolgde: “Politiek gaat vooral over het zorgen voor mensen ...
  3. Through the Jungle of the Mind

    (This article is a continuation of the previous article-  A Space of Higher Living  ) “We would guard through the night, in shifts, 1 hour shifts… after the hour we would go and wake the next comrade for his hourly… that night, I didn’t wake the other com ...
  4. A Space of Higher Living

    ‘Militants’ – today, this word has a commercial value. It has also got a pictorial representation in most of our minds, most of them polarized. Not only has it got politicized, it has also got religion tainted all over its letters. Believe it or not, a co ...
  5. Yoga, deep breathing used to address soldiers' post-traumatic stress

    Rich Low dreamed of Iraq long after he returned home from the war. The memories haunted him when he was awake, too. About six months after his deployment, he was driving at night when a sudden burst of lightning snapped him back to Baghdad and the bomb tha ...
  6. Towards A Fresh Breath of Life

    Have you observed what happens when rain falls on parched earth? When the skies open up to a free fall of unbiased, all encompassing, loving, fresh rain? That is what Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji’s visit was to Assam. “ He did not go to blame, point fi ...
  7. Bogotá Meditates

    On 09 August 2012, the Art of Living volunteers in Colombia made history and gathered 4000 people to meditate, in an event called Bogotá Meditates. This massive meditation took place in Plaza la Santamaría, the old bullfighting ring where just a few of mo ...
  8. Love In The Time of Insurrection

    How simple it is, to characterize an event as black, or white. This is exactly how the sordid Assam riots have been viewed, or made to be viewed. ‘Communal, anti-national and violent,’ have been the common sentiments, printed or verbal. But the truth lies ...
  9. Inhale Peace, Exhale Crime

    Along the activity-filled lanes of resettlement colonies in Delhi, the police reported a phenomenal decrease in the rates of crime and violence. Seelampur, Shadhara, Gokulpuri, Nand Nagri, Jafarabad, were once the hub of criminal activities including juve ...