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  1. 8 Unique and Meaningful Ideas to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

    By Phillip Miner | Posted on February 12, 2018 Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and if you’re like many people, you might have a complicated relationship with it. The overtones of love and spending time with your significant other can be overshadowed ...
  2. Relationships

    Relationships Relationships Overcoming Demand and the Blame Game: 6 Tips On Building Strong, Healthy, and Lasting Relationships Relationships 10 tips for a happy married life by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Relationships 7 Tips to Stay Sane While Your kid ...
  3. How Daily Meditation Supports Good Parenting

    Posted: May 01, 2018 A parent is born when a child is born. In that moment when you hold your baby in your hands for the first time, they have already stolen you away from the rest of the world. Just their entrance into your life changes you totally, and ...
  4. Top 9 Ways To Deal With Pre-wedding Jitters (Part-2)

    This is continued from Top 9 Ways to Deal with Pre-wedding Jitters (Part-1) #4 Dealing With Money Matters Are the wedding bills ringing a caution bell in your mind? Since marriage is the coming together of two families and not just two individuals, it is ...
  5. How to Enjoy this Festive Season More?

    A 10-letter word that can add a spark of excitement to your celebration. Make it your best friend this festive season and see yourself enjoy the festivities more and better. Christmas is round the corner – the time we all eagerly await the whole year. Tin ...
  6. Make Your Valentine’s Day Rocking

    “Should I buy her a precious ring or just settle in for flowers this time?” “Oh, I hope he likes this perfume or shall I buy him a music CD or perhaps plan a surprise for him?” Too many plans, too many thoughts in the head. But what to do? it’s Valentine’ ...
  7. Mullah Nasruddin & the Secrets of Relationships

    Mullah Nasruddin is a satirical Sufi figure whose name is used in numerous stories to add a touch of wit and humour. His funny anecdotes make people burst into fits of laughter. Our relationships add color and diversity to our life. Each one has its own u ...
  8. Why Have a Meditator Life Partner?

    Looking for and finding a life partner is like getting ready for an adventure of a lifetime and not always knowing where it may lead. But three things can help – compassion as a guide map, meditation as a compass, and love as a light to show the way. In t ...
  9. Love, Relationship Advice, and Yoga

    Posted: March 26, 2018 It’s a few minutes past 5 AM, which means that it’s a few minutes into my daily yoga practice. My right leg lunges forward, while my right foot points ahead. My left leg is straight and firm behind me. I breathe in the quiet morning ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More