Around 100 cities celebrate the timelessness of Yoga with The Art of Living

13 юни 2015 (All day)

The universality and the timelessness of yoga found resonance when yoga enthusiasts from around 100 cities rose with the sun and rolled out their mats in front of historic locations to practice yoga as a prelude to the International Yoga Day (June 21st).

"Just like the Sun, Yoga is age-old and yet ever-new. It is a holistic way of life that integrates all elements to make a prayerful discipline uniting the body, mind and soul", shares Kamlesh Barwal, Global Head, The Sri Sri Yoga.

Titled, 'Sun Never Sets on Yoga' this magnificent event spanning five continents witnessed the world literally wake up to yoga. Setting pace from the land of the rising sun, Japan to Budapest to St Petersburg to London to New York to Rio De Janerio, the event saw enthusiasts flocking unique and historic locations in Istanbul, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sydney and Auckland among others. Many cities in Russia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Canada, Lithuania Cambodia, the UAE, Oman, Turkey, Indonesia also followed the sun and joined in hallmarking the comprehensiveness of this ancient technique.

The historic Taj Mahal at Agra and the grand Vishalakshi Mantap at The Art of living International Centre in Bengaluru also saw this event in India.

Allaying any fear that yogic practices leads one away from his or her religion, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living says, “Like eating pizza or chowmein doesn’t make one Italian or Chinese, doing yoga isn’t going to make one Indian or Hindu. When we accept cuisines, fashion, music and technologies from every part of the world as a sign of progressive thinking, why not wisdom of yoga from India.” He adds, “Yoga has today become synonymous with relaxation, happiness, or a creative mind. The world is embracing it as a skill to enhance the quality of life."

The Art of Living founder, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will also be present at The United Nations on June 21st 2015, where the International Yoga Day will be declared open.

Gurudev has played a big role in sensitizing the world about the essence of yoga. From the European Parliament to Capitol Hill in the US to UNESCO headquarters in Paris, Gurudev has been travelling around the globe to demystify yoga and make it more acceptable and appealing. His pragmatic approach of presenting yoga away from dogmatic beliefs has helped in taking yoga to people of all class, creeds, religions, etc.