The Art of Living to Host International Yoga Summit

The Art of living International Centre
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
2 декември 2011 (All day)
4 дек 2011 to 5 дек 2011

The Art of Living and SVYASA Yoga University, Bengaluru, jointly with Yoga Portuguese Confederation of Lisbon, Portugal, is organizing an International Yoga Summit titled, Yoga: A Science for World Peace on Dec 4th & 5th, 2011, at The Art of living International Centre.

The focal theme of the summit is, ‘Yoga: A Science for World Peace’. HH Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, The Art of Living; Sri Ramadas, Minister for Medical Education, Government of Karnataka; HH Shri Swami Bala Gangadharanath of Adi Chun Chun Giri Mutt; HH Swami Paramátmánanda, General Secretary of the Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha; BKS Iyengar, Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute, Pune; HH Dr. Nagendra, Vivekánanda Yoga University, Bengaluru; HH Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Ráj, President of Yoga Portuguese Confederation will address the Inaugural Ceremony on December 4th 2011, at 9:30 am.

At this Yoga Summit, yoga masters representing leading lineages would deliberate to evolve master plans to standardize yoga education with a fine balance between classical teachings and contributions from renowned Gurus and leading yoga schools. Thus, launching global initiatives to establish Yoga as a therapy, a tool for value-based education and a catalyst for social transformation.

Yoga is well established as a wellness strategy and embraced by the people regardless of race, nationality and ethnicity. In recent years, medical researchers are exploring therapeutic benefits of yoga. There are compelling evidences to use yoga as a lifestyle intervention for stress and lifestyle related psychosomatic diseases. In addition, basic research on yoga has also established that yoga facilitates scholastic and occupational performance in children and adults respectively.

With these academic advances and emergence of non-communicable, lifestyle diseases in epidemic proportions, there is a need to standardize yoga education and the practice of yoga as a therapy. Standardization of yoga education would also facilitate the use of yoga as a performance enhancer and stress buster.

With strong dimensions in education, medicine and spirituality, yoga is emerging as a lifestyle which offers comprehensive personality development with spiritual values in place of religious fanaticism. Thus, transforming individuals, societies and nations as a community of peace loving, empowered global citizens-the personification of eternal Indian value-Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.

The valedictory session will be attended by HH Swami Ramdev, Patañjali Yogpeeth, Haridvar; HH Swami Radanath – Hare Krishna – ISKCON / GBC; HH Swami Vishveshvaránanda, Sanyas Ashrama Mumbai along with HH Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.