4 levels of Experiencing Shiva
There are four levels of experiencing deep connection with the Divine.
1. Saamipya
It means to feel that we are very close and very dear to the Divine. Now when will you get this experience? Will you feel this closeness tomorrow, day after tomorrow, 10 days later or a few months later? No! Right now, in this very moment, just feel that you are very close to the Divine. This is what a Guru does. A Guru helps you feel that closeness with the Divine.
2. Saanidhya
Saanidhya means to feel or invoke the presence of the Divine. When you meditate, you become aware of the existence of the Divine; you experience the presence.
For example, we are enveloped by the air at all times but we do not always feel its presence. When you take a deep breath in, you realize the presence of the air all around you. In the same way, we are always enveloped by God but we do not feel His presence. To experience the presence of the Divine, we perform yajnas, pujas and celebrate different festivals.
3. Saarupya
Saarupya means seeing the Divine in yourself and in all forms everywhere. It means to feel that ‘the Divine is in me, and I am the Divine’. It means to realize that the Divine is present in my form, and in all the forms around me. Though formless, the Divine is present in all the forms.
4. Saayuja
The ultimate state is Saayujya which means to feel totally one with the Divine, merging so completely that you see no difference between yourself and the Divine. In this state, there is no two (no duality), there is only One. This total oneness can only be experienced in deep silence, in the stillness of the Being, when you are totally one with the Divine.
These are the four stages of Samadhi. In Samadhi (deep rest), we unite with the ultimate – that is Shiva.
FAQ's about Experiencing Shiva
There are four ways of feeling the presence of Lord Shiva (or the four stages of Samadhi):
1. Saamipya - Right now, in this very moment, feel that you are very close to the Divine.
2. Saanidhya - Just like the air, we are enveloped by God. But we do not feel his presence. We perform yajnas, pujas and celebrate different festivals to experience the presence of Lord Shiva or the divine.
3. Saarupya - Seeing the divine in yourself and all forms everywhere.
4. Saayujya - Total oneness with the divine is experienced in deep silence.
To realize Shiva, the ancient Rishis recommended four steps:
1. Anavopaya - disciplining the ego
2. Anava - meditation
3. Saktopaya - activating the energy centres by centering one's attention in silence
4. Sambavopaya - freeing oneself from thought
Shiva is the entire universe. He is in every atom of the universe. So but natural Lord Shiva is with each one of us including you.
In meditation, you can get closer to Shiva. Meditation is a state where the mind is awake but the body is resting, and you know you are present, but do not know where you are - this is Shiva. And this state is experienced in meditation.
The creation is full of opposites. On one hand, Shiva is considered Shweth vastra dhar (wearing white clothes) and on the other hand, Shiva is Krishna varna meaning he is dark.
Shiva is never born and he has no end. He is eternal. He is the fourth state of consciousness, known as the 'Turiya avasta' (the meditative state), that is beyond the waking, sleeping and dreaming state. If Shiva is thought to be born, then Shiva will be confined to a body, time and space. But Shiva is Anadi - birthless, Ananta - deathless. Fire, water, earth and air elements are in the ether or space element. Shiva is like the ether element, the house for the whole universe. Shiva is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. Know more in Shivratri - Enlivening the Shiva Tattva.
You meet Shivji when you are in a meditative state. Meditation is a state where the mind is awake, but the body is resting, and you know you are present but do not know where you are - this is Shiva. And this state is experienced in meditation.
Monday is the day of Shiva in a week. Traditionally, Monday is observed as the day of Shiva in a week.
Om Namah Shivaya is a powerful mantra. Each letter of the mantra represents the five elements earth, water, fire, air, and ether. It has the power to nullify negative planetary effects and vastu dosha. It indicates the transcendental universal consciousness. Its chanting energizes that subtle aspect of the universe.
Shiva’s Mrityunjaya mantra is one of the most revered mantras in the Vedic tradition. Mrityunjaya means - victory over death. The soul doesn't die. It goes from one body to another. Mrityunjaya means victory of the mind over the ephemeral and soaring on to the eternal. The mind realizes that “I am the eternal being. There is something in me that is not changing.” Then there is no fear. Fear is one of the signs of death. You win over fear.
Shiva is the entire universe. He is in every atom of the universe. So but natural Lord Shiva is with each one of us. Shiva is Anadi - birthless, Ananta - deathless. Fire, water, earth and air elements are in the ether or space element. Shiva is like the ether element, the house for the whole universe. Shiva is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. Know more in Shivratri - Enlivening the Shiva Tattva.