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ROZMOWA Z DOROTĄ NIEDŹWIECKĄ Z FUNDACJI ART OF LIVING. Gazeta Wyborcza 23/03/18 ODDYCHAJ, ZAMIAST WZDYCHAĆ Niektóre techniki oddechowe zwiększają koncentrację i uważność, pomagają rozładować złość, skutecznie relaksują, obniżają ciśnienie krwi i poziom ...Jak nauczyć nastolatka skutecznie radzić sobie z emocjami w prosty sposób?
Jak nauczyć nastolatka skutecznie radzić sobie z emocjami w prosty sposób? Życie z nastolatkiem pod jednym dachem nie należy do najłatwiejszych. Zwłaszcza, kiedy jest on emocjonalny, często krzyczy, wpada w złość, a czasami nawet płacze. Nie pot ...CISZA MA GŁOS
CISZA MA GŁOS By wypuścić strzałę, musimy naciągnąć łuk. A im bardziej naciągniemy cięciwę, tym dalej i szybciej poleci. Taką samą zasadą kieruje się nasze życie. By poszło do przodu, potrzebne są brak działania. I cisza Rok temu wyjechałam na samotną wyp ...What Is Gupt Daan
01.05.2018What is Gupt Daan? In India, there is something called as Gupt Daan, which means a secret gift. It is when you donate or give someone something without telling anyone that you are giving. You don’t want your name to be put on the name plate which says tha ...The Best Form of Donation
27.04.2018What is donation? To give people what they need is donation, not what you feel like giving. If you donate clothes to somebody who already has many clothes, it is of no use. Instead, give clothes to people who need clothes. Similarly, giving food to somebo ...Is Buddhism a Part of Hinduism
25.04.2018The answer to this question depends on one’s personal opinion. In India, Buddhism is considered a part of Hindu tradition because Buddha never said I am starting a new religion—he only reformed what was already in existence. Buddha became a monk in the Hi ...The 5 Types of People
23.04.2018If you take any society, you will find 5 types of people there: Those who are fun-loving and full of enthusiasm. They don’t mind any obstacles. They dare obstacles and get things done. This is the first type. People who just maintain things. They’re not ...Why Vegetarianism Is Preferred in Spirituality
18.04.2018There are many benefits to being a vegetarian. If you run a search on Google, you will find plenty of research available on this topic. Otherwise, the world would not take to it so promptly. A few decades ago, vegetarian food was not available in Berlin a ...How to Overcome Inner Conflict
13.04.2018A Great Warrior The term great warrior refers to someone with valor and is usually used for people who fight battles and attain victory over their enemies. However, one who sits still and follows the path of ‘ahimsa’ or non-violence totally, is also refer ...How To Develop Virtues
11.04.2018You Are the Source of All Virtues As human beings, we have tremendous qualities and virtues. You don’t have to look for virtues outside – you are the source of all virtues. But in the stress of day-to-day life, these virtues get hidden. A seed has a membr ...