Day 2

Ms. Erika Mann
European Parliament Member, Germany

Bethe one you are and the one you want to be and live it. Make your work relevant – this is how you’ll climb the the ladder into real politics.

Ms. Karina Contantino – David
Chairperson of the Civil Service Commission , Indonesia

We have a choice between the acceptance of powerlessness or there confidence that we bring with us if we bring with us if we know what our convictions are.

Dr. Nafis Sadik
Author and Former Special Advisor to the UN Secretary general, Pakistan

Real leadership means you have to have the courage to speak out when issues you don’t agree with are discussed even if they are the norm. We have to make women see that they are the norm. We have to make women see tat they can change if they stand up for themselves.

Ms. Zeyno Baran
Director, Center Eurasian Policy(CEP), Turkey

Women embody the truth. We need women who are true to themselves and not just playing a role.

Ms. Elke Morkopoulos
Artist and Designer, Greece

Our duty is to care for and protect everything around us.

Dr. Darja Piciga
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and technology, Republic of Slovenia

The decisions we make today for the future are determined by our perceptions of the present and our assumptions about the future.

Ms. Hana Hertzman 
Director General, Municipality of Holon, Israel

We can achieve harmony with women as they become leaders of countries, especially in the Middle east. This is how we can achieve peace there.

Dr. Suryani Sadik Motik
Principal, PT Indoprima Ana Sdvisa Management, Indonesia

By taking more responsibity, women are stronger.

Ms. Vandana Shiva
Physicst, Enviormental Activist and Author, India

We must celebrate our diversity rather than being locked into our own culture. We as a women shape the future. Each of us is a centre for the new future.

Ms. Preeta Reddy
Managing Director,Apollo Hospitals group India

Research shows that when more women are In power at their workplace there is better overall performance, but when men predominate performance levels drop.

Ms. Poonam Siddhu
Income tax Head Karnataka, India

Women play an important role in nurturing the future generations.

Ms. Smita Naram
Ayurvedic Physician, Pharmaceutical Herbalist and Nutritionalist, Indiaing

A women is reborn during teenage, delivery of a child and menopause.

Ms. Sharmila Tagore
UN Goodwill Ambassador and Chairperson of the Central Board of Film certification(CBFC)

We must celebrate our diversity rather than being locked into our own culture. We as a women shape the future. Each of us is a centre for the new future.

Vytautas Landsbergis
Former President of Lithuania, Member of European Parliament.

The Conference gave me a lot beautiful impressions,as well as insights and suggestions. Women Power can and must become the turning point of great significance to Counter balance the concepts and approaches shaped by men.

Ms. Katherine Aspass
Journalist from Norway

Ms. Mayella Lloyd
Member of Panama Commerce, Industries and Agriculture

Ms. Anuradha Sen Gupta
Senior Jourmnalist, CBC TV 18

Ms. Ami Patel
Fashion Director, L’Officiel

Ms. Lara Dutta
Model and Actress

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