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  1. Don’t Give Up When You Feel “I’m So Lonely.” Help is Here.

    If you feel lonely and want relief right now, just hit the play button, sit back, and relax into a guided meditation for loneliness led by Art of Living founder, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a master of meditation. Now that you’re feeling lighter and les ...
  2. How to Increase Lung Capacity with Easy Breathing Exercises

    Are you feeling short of breath too often? Maybe you’ve noticed you just aren’t able to breathe as deeply as you used to. In this article, you will learn how to increase your lung capacity with breathing exercises that are easy to do and super-effective.  ...
  3. How to Stop Worrying: Meditation and Breathwork Can Help!

    Do you ever feel like you spend way too much time worrying? Do you find your sense of wellbeing suddenly overwhelmed by a flood of anxious thoughts? Or maybe you experience chronic worry and negative thinking all the time, and feel like there is no way ou ...
  4. Weekly Wisdom: Love and Its Distortions

    Love is the only thing in life for which we don’t need to find proof. It is the very basis of our existence.  We are all made up of a substance called love, yet we seem to spend our entire lives searching for it. It’s like a doll made of candy asking, “Wh ...
  5. 13 Sleep Hygiene Tips To Sleep Soundly All Night

    Sleep is an important source of energy for the body and mind, offering our systems the rest and rejuvenation we need for long-term health. Have you noticed that when you are sleep-deprived you feel grouchy, irritable, and (let’s be honest) a bit crazy? Th ...
  6. Meditation for A Healthy Body Image: How You Can Start

    It's no exaggeration to say that a lot of people struggle with body image issues and have negative thoughts about their own bodies. In fact, in a 2018 study, it was found that 2 in 5 Americans feel body dissatisfaction every time they look in the mir ...
  7. Meditation for Grief: Breathe In Love, Breathe Out Grief

    Grief impacts each of us in different ways and for different amounts of time, with symptoms ranging from sadness and insomnia to deep depression. The causes of grief are as varied as life itself.  It can be triggered by the death of a loved one, moving to ...
  8. How You Can Overcome the 9 Obstacles On the Path of Yoga

    There is a famous old Zen saying, “ The obstacle is the path ”. This means the obstacle isn’t a roadblock that is standing in our way or hindering our progress; it’s the way itself to help you discover who you really are! Add quote:  Yoga is considered to ...
  9. Weekly Wisdom: Free Will, Human Values, and Celebration

    You must know that life moves in the direction of the best. Wherever there’s something better, life moves that way.  On the way, you may find rough roads. But still, all the difficulties you’ve faced in the past year have given you a certain depth. The di ...
  10. Why Diaphragmatic Breathing Is Your New Zen Best Friend

    Are you using your lungs to their full capacity? Or is your breathing relatively shallow? Add quote:  paragraph_text_pick_menu:  Diaphragmatic breathing engages your diaphragm, expands your breath, and increases the efficiency of your lungs. This helps yo ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More