Have you noticed yourself when you’re ‘pinging’ your friend on the phone? Your fingers just fly off the keypad and before you know it, you’ve written your thoughts real-time. Texting someone on your smartphone is almost like a reflex action. 1,2,3 and you’re ready to fly.
It’s the same with many things in life. And meditation is one of them. Before you do a double take and wonder how texting your bestie can be compared to sitting silently with your eyes closed – allow us.
• Meditation is simple
• Once you practice meditation for a few days, it seems to become an almost reflex habit
• It’s quick: Few minutes of meditation is enough to refresh you completely
A few tips before, during and after your meditation can really help you to relax and make the most of the time you spent meditating.
1. Before Meditation
1. It’s better if you can take a shower and wear a fresh pair of clothes to start your session of meditation. This simply removes all the dirt and grime from the day and helps you to meditate better. If you’re meditating in the morning, it’s better to meditate after you bathe.
2. Allowing your mind to settle down to rest and meditate is essential. If you have a little time, you might want to do a quick warm-up followed by a few yoga asanas or a few sets of Suryanamaskars. Post the yoga asanas, few rounds of pranayama will regulate the energy flow and settle you for your practice.
3. It is always preferred to meditate with any empty stomach. A traditional practice to meditate before a meal is in practice in many parts of the world. Eating a meal might be a strong spanner to your meditation as the high metabolism rate doesn’t allow the mind to relax. “Our human body is adaptive. If we could cultivate this practice and make this practice, we are sure to reap many benefits. For people who are prone to many smaller meals through the day, it would be better to stick to a very light snack of two cookies or one banana,” says Prajakti Deshmukh, a senior Meditation Faculty with The Art of Living.
2. During Meditation
1. If the outer world is governed by the effort you put in, the inner world is ruled by the precept of effortlessness. Meditation then becomes a seamless experience.
2. There are three golden rules to meditation.
“ I Do Nothing” Meditation is not about doing. You only breathe.
“ I Am Nothing”
There are many roles we play in our lives. Carrying an identity plays with your mind and doesn’t allow it to settle down. While meditating we drop all notions about ourselves of being rich, poor, intelligent, stupid, male, female or any other. During meditation if you think you are somebody great or somebody hopeless, there is no way you can settle down to that deepest core of the being.
“I Want Nothing”
No latest phone, no movie, no exotic meal. For the 20 minutes of meditation, we don’t want anything.
3. After Meditation
1. A few minutes of silence and calmness after your session of meditation is recommended. It is not advisable to rush to your computer and television. Get onto your work slowly and build the momentum to your day. Sudden moment to activity might be jarring to your mind.
2. You might feel hungry after your meditation. Have your breakfast in the morning once you finish your meditation. Similarly, 20 minutes of meditation before your last meal of the day in your evening routine helps you clear all your thoughts for the day.