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  1. Our Holistic Approach

    How We Work The Art of Living transforms societies by instilling a vision, making role models, promoting a sense of community and giving people a voice. The Art of Living—Projects Management Unit (PMU) is a special technical wing within The Art of Living ...
  2. Her Lesson From Failure

    My dad did a lot of good work for the village, but the Maoists didn’t think so, they thought otherwise. He was their target. One day they came and picked him up, took him to the jungle, tied him on a tree and beat him. They were going to kill him, but for ...
  3. Sultan of Swings Settles Deep Within

    Its 3 o clock in the afternoon. He had been planning and waiting for this day since almost three weeks. He ran the plan carefully in his mind. "finish the his 'seth's' feet till he falls into his afternoon nap...leave th ...
  4. Organic Farming goes viral in Maharashtra!

    The feeling when you are rescued Essays, exams, speeches and debates on the great Indian agriculture formed a common part of our school curriculum. Some would reflect pride over the vast lush green fields that Punjab possesses and quote figures of wheat p ...
  5. Onderwijs- Home

    Gratis toegankelijk onderwijs Stel je een wereld voor waarin kinderen op het achtergestelde platteland en in de sloppenwijken van India gratis onderwijs krijgen. Dit bestaat!  Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar heeft ruim 425 gratis toegankelijke scholen gebouw ...
  6. The Birth of a Spiritual Mukhiya

    Burudi, like most of the villages in interior Jharkhand existed between the currents of Naxalism and alcohol, the later being more distasteful as it fails to achieve anything other than self destruction, brain damage, slow death and a bad hit to olfaction ...
  7. Schools of a Different Thought

    SANDEEP It’s 5 in the morning in Amjhor, a village situated in the heart of a naxal belt in Jharkhand. A little girl and her brother wake up, looking forward to another day. They brush their teeth and go for a bath, the whole time humming a ‘bhajan’ they ...
  8. The Journey from War to Peace

    This is the story of and around Sushanto Singh's life, which can be briefly divided into two eras; Pre-Sudarshan Kriya and Post-Sudarshan Kriya. Era before Sudarshan Kriya: It was around the age of 30, that Sushanto realized that life in and around h ...
  9. Prison Smart, de transformatie in Argentinië

    Ademen voor Vrijheid Sinds 2006 hebben duizenden gedetineerden in Argentinië cursussen van Art of Living gevolgd, waaronder de meditatiecursus deel 2, Sri Sri Yoga  en de pre-Teachers Training Course.     De ervaring van een gedetineerde "Gisteren wa ...
  10. Help mee

    Wil je ook Euro-a-Day steunen? De gemakkelijkste manier om kinderen en hun familie blij te maken is een donatie.* Met elke gift kunnen we iets betekenen! Maar misschien wil je ook op een creatieve manier en samen met anderen geld inzamelen, maar weet je n ...