Энэ бол тусгаар тогнолоо улс орон олох гэж зүдэрч байх цаг үед өөрчлөлтийн салхийг авчирахад тусалсан багш нар юм. Бидний багш урам зоригийг бадрааж, хүмүүсийн зоригжуулахад үүрэг хүлээдэг. Багш нар тал бүрт хүлээх үүрэг үргэлж ихтэй байдаг.
Партизаны хөдөлгөөн багш нарын бүлгэмээс эхтэйг харж болно. Өнөөдөр би манай оронд энх тайван, хөгжил дэвшлийг бий болгохын төлөө хамтран ажиллаж буй бүх багш нарт хандаж байна. Та өнөөгийн хүүхэд багачуудад урам зоригдол, сайн сайхан эрдэм мэдлэгийг зааж сургах ёстой. Хүүхэд хоосон шилэн сав лугаа адил ямар л зүйл (мэдлэг)-ээр дүүргэнэ түүгээр тусгалаа олж, тийм байдлаар аяглаж аашлана. Харин бид хүүхдүүдэд үлгэр жишээ, сайн үйлийг төрүүлэх үед тэд үлгэр жишээч харицлагатай иргэн болж өсөж торнино.
Өөр хэн нэгэнд зөвхөн бид өөрөө өөрсөддөө эдгээр сайн үлгэр жишээ сайн үйлийн төлөвшүүлж, харуулсанаараа л дамжуулж хүргэж чадна. Ийм л учраас өнөөдөр би энд хүрэлцэн ирсэн сургууль, коллежийн бүх багш нарт урам зоригжуулах үлгэр жишээ амьдралаар удирдан чиглүүлэх санкалпа тавихыг хөхүүлэн дэмжмээр байна. Амьдралдаа та гачигдах дутагдахыг мэдрэх тоолонд гүйцэлдүүлэх хариуцлагыг надад өгөөч. Үүнд бүү сэтгэлээ чилээж зов. Би үүнийг харж халамжилна. Та бүгд илүү их эерэг өөрчлөлтийг авчирахад хийж чадах зүйл дээрээ л гагцхүү төвлөр.
Is it so? Then nature will kill your mind and help you overcome it (laughter). What is the mind? The mind means the many desires that you carry within you. Nature knows very well the number of desires you drag and carry as a burden within you. Nature sees how tightly and feverishly you hold on to your desires, so sometimes it grants those desires and sometimes it does not. But when we remain happy and centered whether our desires get fulfilled or not, then you can say that you have killed or overcome the mind.
Suppose you are going to a cinema theatre to watch a movie and you stand in line to buy the tickets, and you get to know that the theatre is house-full. Do you feel angry or frustrated about it, or do you feel “Oh, it’s alright. Never mind”. and simply move on ahead.
You may also think that since you did not get a ticket for the cinema hall, so you might as well go to a temple for some time (laughter); or sit in a satsang for some time. When you are able to do this (skilfully), then know that you have killed and overcome your mind.
Have this unshakeable faith that whatever is the best for you, that alone will happen in life. Nature will only give you that which will uplift you higher in life. Keep this deep faith.
When does this knowledge dawn in you? It happens when you give your 100% effort in whatever you do. If you simply sit idle and think that God will anyway take care of everything, then that will not do.
Usually, you do not think twice when you are about to do something wrong. But when you have to do something good or beneficial, you think “If God wants, then it will happen”.
Many people tell me, “Gurudev, only when you wish or call us will we be able to come to the Ashram”.
Why do you need an invitation? Does God ever send you an invitation asking you to come meet Him? When we have to do something good, we leave it to destiny (instead of making an effort to do it). But if you want to fulfil some desire or aspiration of your own, you put in every bit of your strength to achieve that. You put your heart and soul into it. This thought process needs to be reversed.
You should know that whatever situations you are currently undergoing in life is because of your Prarabdha Karma (Karma that bears fruit in the present). And whatever you deserve, you will surely get that in life.
You must think, “What do I have to do in life?” And then you should just go ahead and do that with all sincerity, without thinking about what results you will get out of it. You should not worry about that at all. Just do whatever you have to do. Then a deep sense of contentment dawns in life.
I think we must keep making our efforts to stretch out our hand out for dialogue with these people. Whether it gives results or not is too soon to say, before we can even act in that direction.
This depends on that deep feeling of love and belongingness from within. You cannot ‘make’ or 'choose' someone as your Guru. You simply believe that someone is your Guru. We often say that "I have 'chosen' or ‘made’ someone my Guru". If a disciple thinks that he can ‘make’ someone his or her Guru, then that is not so.
See, whatever you make or create is always lesser or smaller as compared to what you are. You can only recognize the Guru in your life, that’s it. Now, when can you recognize that you have come to the Guru? It is when you realize that you are a traveler on the Spiritual path. When you become a traveler, it is easy to recognize the Guru.
Absolutely not. Complacency is not spirituality in the real sense. Neither does peace mean a sense of complacency, nor can stress be a sign of creativity. If stress meant creativity, then Afghanistan should have been the most creative part of the world. Afghanistan has been under such stressful conditions since the past 25-30 years. I do not think anything creative has happened (due to the stressful conditions) in Afghanistan or Lebanon, or other troubled places in the world. The inner peace of spirituality does not support complacence. Inner peace supports dynamism. When you are happy, you only wish to do something more. When you are enthusiastic, you feel like doing something better.
What does Spirituality give you in life?
1. It develops your intuitive powers. Do you not need good intuition in doing any work? Yes!
2. It boosts your energy. Do you not need energy? Yes, you do!
3. It inspires you to do something. What is the point of having so much education and no inspiration? It is good for nothing. If you are a highly educated person but are not inspired to do something, then you are good for nothing. 4. Spirituality gives you confidence
If you do not want confidence, intelligence, intuition, inspiration, then you should stay away from spirituality.
Yes, of course. When it comes to organizational goals, you need patience.
Individual growth and organizational growth have two different paces. You have to accept that and go with it. It is because we are a part of a social structure we are a part of this world. You cannot change the world overnight. But you can surely change yourself overnight; that is possible. With patience and perseverance, both (Individual growth and organizational growth) will have to move together.