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Building a House of Dreams
When 38-year-old Surya Murthy speaks, you listen. And wonder. Wonder at the indomitable spirit of a human being who can stand in the face of a tsunami—a calamity—literally. "When the Tsunami came on December 25, 2004, it took everything from us. I wa ... -
Disaster relief- Testimonial13
"Tsunami- Village Leader:I have been the village counselor for past three years. I had been the village committee chairman for five years. Guruji came here and found us helpless. Construction started immediately. 94 houses were built in this village. ... -
Hulp na de tsunami
Tsunami Zuid-Oost Azië (december 2004) Op 26 december 2004 trof een aardbeving van 9 op de schaal van Richter de westelijke kust van Noord Sumatra. De beving veroorzaakte een serie tsunami’s die over de Indische oceaan trokken van Indonesië tot de Afrikaa ... -
Trauma Relief in Japan
Breaths of joy at post-tsunami camps “I’d like to come to India to learn yoga,” quipped a Japanese lady in the middle of the room. This may not seem like an unusual wish. After all, India is known as the yoga capital throughout the globe. Yet consider the ...