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  1. Allowing Your Heart to Receive Amazing Grace: How Success Can Happen Effortlessly in Your Life

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: october 03, 2018 Whenever there’s victory, it’s due to grace. Whether it’s victory in sports or a lottery, in studies or competition or politics – all of it happens through grace alone. When a person forgets that an ...
  2. World Vegetarian Day: Explore Ethical, Scientific and Spiritual Reasons for Becoming Vegetarian

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: October 1, 2018   Human health, ethics and environment The debate on ' why it is good to be a vegetarian ' has long been settled. The internet is full of information on why eating meat is not good for eith ...
  3. World Vegetarian Day: Explore Ethical, Scientific and Spiritual Reasons for Becoming Vegetarian

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: October 1, 2018   Human health, ethics and environment The debate on ' why it is good to be a vegetarian ' has long been settled. The internet is full of information on why eating meat is not good for eith ...
  4. World Vegetarian Day: Explore Ethical, Scientific and Spiritual Reasons for Becoming Vegetarian

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: October 1, 2018   Human health, ethics and environment The debate on ' why it is good to be a vegetarian ' has long been settled. The internet is full of information on why eating meat is not good for eith ...
  5. Wonder, Amazement, and Energy: How Amusement Begins Your Yoga Journey and Blossoms like the Flower in Your Hand

    By Elizabeth Herman | Posted: September 13, 2018 Did you notice a sense of wonder and amazement when you first discovered yoga and meditation? You may have asked, “Why do I feel so good?” after your first few sessions. You may have started to develop an a ...
  6. Meditation Increases Intuitive Awareness and Heightens the Senses

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: September 13, 2018   Meditation makes you totally relaxed and at the same time sharpens your awareness. Becoming more relaxed and aware can open up avenues to greater understanding of our true nature, and the meanin ...
  7. Being Timeless: How to Disconnect Mind from Time and Events in this World

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: September 12, 2018 Time is one of the great mysteries of life. It’s the best storyteller and there’s no witness like time. It’s an objective truth in the outside world, running uniformly for everyone, but depending ...
  8. What is Yoga? The Founder of Art of Living on International Yoga Day-2

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Updated on: June 09, 2021 Yoga and meditation are ever-growing in popularity, but that also means that the original message can be lost. Learn the true meaning of yoga here! Taken from a talk by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ...
  9. What is Yoga? The Founder of Art of Living on International Yoga Day-1

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Updated on: June 09, 2021 Art of Living Founder, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shares the true spirit of yoga in honor of International Yoga Day. The Art of Living Foundation’s family around the world celebrates frequently a ...
  10. The Pursuit of Happiness: How to Use Spiritual Wisdom to Overcome Depression

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: August 23, 2018 Once a gentleman came to a doctor complaining that something was severely wrong with him. He was hurting all over and was very sad but all the tests came out normal. The doctor said, “There is nothin ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More