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  1. Faith in Action: Take these 7 Interfaith Pledges Today to Contribute to a Global Culture of Nonviolence

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: November 13, 2018 The following passages about faith in action are excerpts from a talk to youth groups by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Kerala, India: We mustn’t lose that identity of togetherness that our countr ...
  2. How to Use Regular, Daily Spiritual Practices to Retrain Your Brain Cells and Answer the Question: “What is Anger?”

    Everything is of the very nature of the self. This sutra (wisdom phrase) conveys something very important. Day and night, clouds and colors all appear in the sky and later disappear. Similarly, the mind imagines many things, which disappear just as they c ...
  3. 12th Cosmetic Dermatology World Conference: How True Beauty is a Reflection of Inner Beauty and Benevolence

    "When the beauty inside blossoms, the older you get, the more beautiful you look.” Meetings have a purpose. It’s to bring to light different thought streams, different purposes from around the world. We used to have ‘science conclaves’ in this state ...
  4. How to Drop Deep Impressions and Expand Your Consciousness to Find Eternal Love that is Beyond Any Sadness

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: November 06, 2018 Drop impressions of past experiences with different people. They may have been wonderful. The people may have seemed to be your soulmate! You may never have felt like that with anybody else before. ...
  5. Obligations: How to Handle Your Responsibilities to Strangers and to Those Who Belong To You

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar| Posted: October 30, 2018 Do you know how to ride a bicycle? How do you balance? Exactly like that. If you are doing service for the society, and you are getting drowned in it, and you are neglecting your family, something ...
  6. Learning to Manage Negative Emotions and Stress Can Help With Alcohol Addiction and Violence

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar| Posted: October 30, 2018 The stress of too much to do and too little energy, as well as the lack of enough to do, can drive human beings into addiction, anger, and violence. A mind without direction requires purpose, and t ...
  7. How Anger Hurts You and What You Can Do About It

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: October 24, 2018 You may remind yourself a hundred times that you shouldn't get angry, but when the emotion comes, you are unable to control it. It comes like a thunderstorm. What can you do when anger rises in ...
  8. Long-term Sustainable Development: How Reverence for Nature Can Revive Society

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: October 16, 2018 Development is imperative, but short-sighted approaches often cause great harm. Sustainable development keeps in mind the long-term effects and benefits of any program. Short-sighted development is ...
  9. How 5 Different Perspectives Can Enhance Your Understanding of Life: A Day on the Farm, at School, in Jail, at a Cemetery, and at a Hospital

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: October 17, 2018 The ancient scriptures say that we’re all floating in a vast ocean of life. Even though everybody is born out of the same consciousness, no two lives are the same. As diverse as our lives are, they’ ...
  10. Afraid of Workplace Politics? Learn How You Can Confidently Deal with Office Politics through Acceptance

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: October 10, 2018 "Water is never scared of mud. If something is muddy, assume you are water – and you can wash it all off. Just remember this!” 1. Wherever there are people, politics is bound to be there. Don’t ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More