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  1. 2 Ways That Can Lead You to Lasting Happiness

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: September 18, 2019 Connect yourself to a larger goal The key to happiness in life is to not stay stuck in ‘I…Me…Mine’ (meaning one’s own personal desires or material gains). Dedicate your life to some larger goal, ...
  2. Attention: How You Mature Out of the Need for Attention

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: September 13, 2019 Someone asks the following question to Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: “What is inside us, which asks or seeks for attention from other people? Is it our ego which takes us away from simplicity? I ...
  3. Are You Unhappy? Here’re Some Reasons, Wake Up and Whisk Them Away Now

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar What is it that you are unhappy about? You are unhappy about the situations and circumstances around you. You are unhappy about the people around you. Are they going to be there forever? They are moving and changing. It is ...
  4. Interdependence: How You Breathe the Same Air and Drink the Same Water

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: September 04, 2019 This universe is interdependent. We must realize that on Earth we’re also interdependent. In the past, we thought that independence meant prosperity, power, free will and all that. But today, we ...
  5. Teacher-Student Relationship: 3 Ways You Both Can Win

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: September 03, 2019 “When you are confused, it's a blessing because in confusion a concept is being broken in your mind and a new concept is being formed. This is a sign of progress,” says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi ...
  6. The Power of Chakras: From Lethargy to Unbounded Enthusiasm

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: September 03, 2019 Have you ever wondered why some members of a team are negative and unmotivated while other members of the same team are bubbling with enthusiasm? The atmosphere is the same, but some get bogged ...
  7. Forging Your 3 Faiths: Stop Doubt and Be Firm and Strong Like Steel

    Posted: August 16, 2019 The following is a talk by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, on the topic of the relationship between faith and doubt. You can hear the brief discussion on the following video: A participant asked the following question: If a traumatic ...
  8. Passion and Dispassion: How You Get the Best Balance of Sleep and Work

    By Elizabeth Herman | Posted: August 16, 2019 In this short video, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar discusses the need for balance between passion at work and dispassion when it’s time to rest: In life you need 3 things: passion, dispassion and compassion. So ...
  9. How to Overcome Unpleasant Memories

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: August 16, 2019 Memory makes you miserable or wise. Memory of experiences and events in the ever-changing world – however good or bad – constricts the vastness of the Self. It binds you. The memory of your true na ...
  10. How Yoga Can Help Maintain Your Calm In Chaos

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: August 08, 2019 Being calm and peaceful when everything else is calm and peaceful has no meaning…. But when everything is falling apart, then being quiet and peaceful — that peace has value. A bottle of water has ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More