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  1. Here's How to Make the Best of Your Time during Coronavirus Quarantine

    Posted: March 18, 2020 With what seems like the whole world on lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar offers his wisdom on how to make the most of this time of social distancing and isolation.  Now this is the time you are all lo ...
  2. The 6 Profound Tips to Discovering that Happiness is Your True Nature

    Posted: March 13, 2020 1. Peace and happiness is what we are made up of! So the real quest for happiness is actually the quest towards Our Own Inner Self If you turn your mind inward a little bit, and just observe what is happening inside you, you will al ...
  3. Ways to Solve Problems: How Acceptance and a Lion's Roar Can Help You

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: February 28, 2020 Most people wish for a problem-free life. However, such a life, if it were ever possible, would be dull and boring. As humans we’re shaped by both positive and not-so-positive experiences. Challe ...
  4. The Art of Letting Go: How You Can Feel Blissful Every Moment

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: February 18, 2020 What happens when you take your mind away from the little desires and thoughts that disturb you? Where there’s no wind blowing, the flame of the candle is stationary. In the same way, your mind r ...
  5. Q-A on Parenting Skills and the Art of Raising Kids In this Modern Age

    Posted: December 16, 2019 This is a compilation of Q-A with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Parenting  Q: It would be wonderful to have our children grow up happily in this sometimes difficult world. Besides lots of love what can we give them when they ar ...
  6. Truth and Lies: A Story of Ancient Dharma and Wise Advice

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: December 02, 2019 Akbar, the emperor of ancient India, once passed a law that said anyone who told a lie would go to the gallows and be hanged.  This would be the punishment. So, when this law was passed, the enti ...
  7. Science and Spirituality: How You Link Your Experience with Knowing

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: November 19, 2019 A participant asked, “Gurudev, science concerns itself with phenomena  that are seen and observed, while spirituality has a lot to do with what happens behind the scenes. Those who are highly edu ...
  8. Aware of Your Intuition? It's a Level of Knowledge That's Beyond Sense

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: October 17, 2019 In this brief video, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living, discusses the 3 different types of knowledge, where they come from, and how they interact. All of these sources of ...
  9. Inner Wealth and Dynamism: How You Can Feel Abundance With a Big Heart

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: October 10, 2019 What are you struggling for? For so many of us, our biggest struggles are financial. Common knowledge says that if you’re struggling for money, then do the hard work: and if one business or indust ...
  10. Inner Wealth and Dynamism: How You Can Feel Abundance With a Big Heart

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: October 10, 2019 What are you struggling for? For so many of us, our biggest struggles are financial. Common knowledge says that if you’re struggling for money, then do the hard work: and if one business or indust ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More