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  1. Give Back and Get More

    Many individuals ponder about the best way to contribute to the society but not many have a decisive answer. Make billions, spend billions, or give away billions? The answer lies in doing all the three. To make billions, spend a little less, save the rest ...
  2. Here's How You Can Overcome the Fear of Uncertainty and Unknown

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Updated on: August 8, 2020 Fear of the unknown is a very common human tendency. Most people are constantly engaged in making sure that their world plays out just like they had imagined. However, the reality is that there ...
  3. How to Stay Balanced When Life Feels Like a Roller-coaster

    Life is utterly simple, and yet, most complex. You have to simultaneously attend to both facets of life. When life appears most complex, turn to simplicity. Simplicity brings peace. When you are peaceful, attend to the complexity within you. That will mak ...
  4. From Worry to Meditation: How to Drop Worries and Live in the Present Moment

    Are anxious thoughts ruining your emotional and mental health? Let me begin with a story. Once two villagers were sitting under a tree and watching the sunset. They were very close friends. After sitting quietly for some time, one asked the other, “What a ...
  5. Effective Management Mantras for a Successful Business

    The real challenge to achieving success in business is sustaining it. While it is easy to create a company and even prosper; success is simply much more than that. Here are four management mantras or by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to help you move toward ...
  6. Rethinking Ethics in Innovation With the Help of Spirituality

    The following is the transcript from Gurudev’s speech at the World Forum for Ethics and Business held in Munich, Germany on June 26th 2017.  The conference series to facilitate the urgent need for a multi-stakeholder debate on ethics in innovation. What i ...
  7. The Hidden Connection Between Yoga and Physics and Why it Matters for Your Health

    Yoga and quantum physics draw upon the same timeless wisdom. Yoga is one of the few ways to realize the ultimate truth referred to in Vedanta and the universal energy field in quantum physics. The sublime and invisible truth of Vedanta is made more concre ...
  8. BLISS- Find its Real Meaning Beyond Distractions and Pleasures

    We all have experienced bliss but very few can truly grasp its real essence. Bliss cannot be understood. It is extremely difficult to get into bliss. After many lifetimes you get into bliss. It is even more difficult to get out of bliss. All that you seek ...
  9. How to Clear and Relax Your Mind- 8 Astonishing Insights on How Your Mind Works

    The mind is a peculiar being, with it’s own way of working and its own set of quirks! Scientists and psychologists have been working tireless to know how the mind works. But the truth is astonishingly simple. When the mind dies, love dawns-   Whenever the ...
  10. Unlock Real Freedom- Go Beyond Logic with Your Intuitive Mind

    Igniting your intuition is not as difficult as it seems. We usually do only that which is purposeful, useful, and rational. Everything you see, you see through the rational mind. But an intuition, a discovery, new knowledge goes beyond the rational mind. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More