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  1. Know the Power of Prayer and Faith to Face the World With Strength

    To experience growth in life, we require faith in three things — in oneself, in the goodness of society and in God. However, looking at several recent incidents where so many innocent lives were lost, one wonders if God exists. If He does, why would He do ...
  2. Food for the Soul

    Meditation is the journey from movement to stillness, from sound to silence. The need to meditate is present in every human being because it is a natural tendency of human life to look for a joy that doesn’t diminish, a love that doesn’t distort or turn i ...
  3. The World Is One Organism

    Our existence is not in isolation with the rest of the world. While this idea sounds spiritual, it is very pertinent to social and global situations that we see every now and then. When a house is on fire in the neighborhood, if we don’t act, it is only a ...
  4. Five Secrets of Success

    Everyone wants to be successful in life, but not many are aware of what success really is. Success is an attitude, not just a phenomenon. (Click to Tweet) Tough situations arise in every business, every organization, and you need skills to handle them. Th ...
  5. Mind and Meditation

    Have you observed what is happening in your mind every moment? It vacillates between the past and the future. It is either in the past occupied with what has happened or in the future thinking about what you have to do. Knowledge is being aware of this ph ...
  6. Love and Beauty

    What are the signs of love? When you love someone you see nothing wrong in them. Even if you see a fault in them, you justify it in some way saying, “Everyone does that; it is normal.” You think you have not done enough for them and the more you do, the m ...
  7. 7 Ways to Achieve Inner Peace and Prosperity in the New Year

    Each new year, people wish each other happiness, prosperity and peace, but only a few seem to know how to be peaceful — like only a few know how to make money. Here are some steps that might help one to find the most needed inner peace. 1. Take Time for Y ...
  8. Yoga: The Skill of Stilling the Mind

    There is a new icebreaker in the international diplomatic circuit. The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s  call at the UN General Assembly  for declaring an International Yoga Day has gained  support from several quarters  — many representatives from C ...
  9. Tapping Creativity Through Meditation

    Have you ever been stuck on an idea or piece of writing, feeling totally blocked and unable to move on? You may have gotten up and dropped the project altogether, only to be struck with a new idea like a bolt of lightning while walking, showering, washing ...
  10. Holding on to infinity

    Every cell in the body has the capacity to hold infinity. A worm too eats, sleeps and performs its daily activities. There is no point in living like that. We must tap the full potential nature has bestowed upon us, the potential to hold infinity in every ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More