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  1. Mind Control: The 4 Kinds of Attitude You Can Develop For Peace of Mind

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: May 26, 2018 1) Friendliness: Be friendly with people who are happy. If you are not friendly with happy people, you will be jealous. This is because you think that your enemy is happy, and you cannot tolerate your e ...
  2. Make A Difference, Donate Wisely to The Needy: Useful Tips on the How and Why of Donation

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: May 25, 2018 What is donation? To give people what they need is donation, not what you feel like giving. If you donate clothes to somebody who already has many clothes, it is of no use. Instead give clothes to peopl ...
  3. World Environment Day: Ancient Spiritual Values for Environmental Sustainability As Everyday Practice in Modern Times

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: June 04, 2018 Every year as the World Environment Day (5th June) approaches, a clamor for stricter green laws and regulations is heard across the globe. While laws are important, they are not enough to ensure enviro ...
  4. International Day of Living Together In Peace: Challenges to Peace and Conflict Resolution

    By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: May 17, 2018 There are usually two sides to a civil conflict. No matter who strikes first, eventually both sides are wounded. Conflict arises in the first place because both sides stick to their stand, yet to resolv ...
  5. Whatever Happens, Happens: Gifts of Faith, Acceptance, and Surrender

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar┃Posted: April 12, 2018 Life’s uncertain at times. We experience unexpected and unpredictable crises. Most of us would like to be confident and place our faith in some higher power, especially when we’re facing so much uncertai ...
  6. May This Year Be A Wisdom Filled Year- WFY!

    The Changing Time, Mind and Events There are three principles that are closely interlinked – Time, Mind and Events. None of the three are stagnant; they change. Time, Events and the Mind move all the time. When the Mind is stuck to Events, then there is s ...
  7. Only 5 Types of Questions Exist

    The inspiration behind every great discovery has been the spirit of inquiry. When that inquiry is directed outwards – “What is this? How does it happen?” it is science. However, when it is directed inwards – “Who am I? What am I here for? What do I really ...
  8. Gun Culture: Time to Tame Loose Cannons

    Gun violence in the US has claimed 1,516,863 lives to date. The recent shootings in Vegas and Texas are grim reminders of this fact.  Unfortunately, the government hasn’t yet been able to agree how to address the problem.  We need to take a larger view of ...
  9. Move Forward Into a New Year and a Better World

    It is generally on New Year’s Eve that people realize, "Oh! Another year has gone by!" We wonder for a few moments at the pace of time that flows by, and then again get busy. If one tries to go deeper into these moments of wonder, one would find ...
  10. Gurudev: On the Plateau of the Peak: The Life of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    It was an era when religion outweighed human values, when the wisdom of yoga had been buried under years of ritual practices, when games were becoming wars and wars were being played like games. It was at such a time that, in a quaint village in south Ind ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More