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Despite knowing that I should not miss my daily kriya, the gap is increasing. What should I do?
Never mind. If you cannot do kriya, do some pranayama. If you cannot do that, just sit and meditate. If you cannot mediate, then just think about the time you have spent here; think about the knowledge and the words I have said to you. If you say that y ... -
So many of our soldiers have been killed by terrorist attacks, what can we do? How can spiritual knowledge help soldiers?
Spiritual knowledge is always useful in many ways. Soldiers have a lot of anxiety. If they have anxiety, knowledge can help them. There are so many soldiers committing suicide out of depression. Spiritual knowledge can help them come out of depressio ... -
Gurudev, please tell us a little about the Aghori Tradition and its practices.
This word Aghora itself conveys the meaning of this tradition. Aghora means that which is not terrifying, that which is beautiful and honourable. So Aghori means one who is very peaceful and who behaves in the same way. It means on ... -
I am not able to do my sadhana properly because of my job, but I really want to do it more regularly. What can I do?
Alright, I want to ask you a question. When you have to go for work, do you ever leave without brushing your teeth? Even if you have a lot of work to do, do you leave without brushing your teeth? I also had a lot of work to attend to today. I was meetin ... -
Gurudev, can one’s basic personality or nature change by practicing sadhana and meditation?
The answer to this depends on what is your understanding of one’s basic nature or personality. If you tell me that anger is your very nature, then I am not ready to believe that.A person’s essential behavior is determined by the three ... -
Hearing so many incidences about Godmen, my faith is shaken. How do I know if a saint is authentic?
It is a very genuine question that you have. There are people who bring disgrace to their field, and this happens in almost every field. Whether it is a medical doctor, a politician, a spiritual leader or a businessman. There are people who are not genu ... -
Why do masters sometimes ignore disciples? Can a Guru ever forsake or get fed up with a disciple?
If you think you are very important, then you will be ignored. Got it? There is no question of forsaking. Does air forsake you? Does the sun forsake you?There is nothing called forsaking. If anyone feels like that, it is all in the mind.< ... -
How do we know whether we are progressing on the spiritual path or not?
There are three points you should always bear in mind when you have come on the spiritual path. <p>The first is: God is mine. You should think that, ‘God is present right here, and is within me’. Have faith in that and simply rela ... -
How do we know whether we are progressing on the spiritual path or not?
There are three points you should always bear in mind when you have come on the spiritual path. <p>The first is: God is mine. You should think that, ‘God is present right here, and is within me’. Have faith in that and simply rela ... -
How do we know whether we are progressing on the spiritual path or not?
There are three points you should always bear in mind when you have come on the spiritual path. <p>The first is: God is mine. You should think that, ‘God is present right here, and is within me’. Have faith in that and simply rela ...