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  1. Dear Gurudev, congratulations for the meeting with the FARC in Cuba and their resolution to adopt non-violence. Is there a way that you can also approach Hamas leaders from Gaza to inspire them to do the same, as well as Israeli government members?

    Yes. You know, when politics gets involved, somewhere sincerity disappears and ambition steps in. In some places, people are happy that there are conflicts, because conflict is a cash cow for them. Many people don’t want world peace! Or el ...
  2. Gurudev, as a budding writer, what seva can I do?

    It is very good that you can write. There is a lot of work that you can do. Contact our website team and our ABC (Art of Living Bureau of Communication). They are looking for writers. There are so many projects happening in The Art of Living around the ...
  3. How to achieve universal peace?

    See, universal peace starts with individual peace. If individuals are peaceful, families are peaceful, societies are peaceful, it all will contribute towards universal peace.Quantum physics has completely removed this last straw of doubt from the ...
  4. How to be peaceful and yet prosperous?

    See, peace and prosperity go hand in hand. Where there is no peace, there cannot be prosperity. And this is what is happening with all the Naxal affected areas. Since there is no peace, there is no economic development at all. All ...
  5. I understand the importance of being at peace internally, despite all hardships and injustice. But as an activist who fights against all forms of oppression, how should one deal with an oppressor who has violence on their side? In other words, how must the weak overcome the powerful?

    If we are disturbed, our actions will not yield fruit. When we are calm, we get intuitive thoughts and with these thoughts you make a plan and take action on it. If you have to deal with an oppressor alone, it is not possible. You have to create awarene ...
  6. Dear Gurudev, is this the only path that leads to supreme peace and happiness?

    : If you ask me that water is the only answer to quench your thirst, what can I say? What can I say if you ask me if breathing is the only way to fill the lungs? Any path which leads you to inner peace, tranquillity, joy and love is the path. All ...
  7. What is your message to the leadership of the world, and especially to the leadership of the Middle east to get people to live in harmony and peace? What is your vision for the Kurdish nation which is divided into four countries to live in peace and harmony? (Dr. Akrawi: An active member of the Women Union working with UNICEF from Kurdistan)

    You know, the problem there is enormous. It is centuries old; not one century but many centuries old. There is not one solution. I think we will all have to collectively put our thoughts and our mind and see, whatever works wherever, we should apply tha ...
  8. Gurudev, in today’s world, America is going through an economic upheaval which is affecting so many other countries. Is there some karma that affects nations as a whole as well?

    America took a very wrong step when it went to war with Iraq. It spent one billion dollars every day for so many years. For five to six years, America kept spending one billion dollars per day. Can you imagine, trillions of dollars were spent in this war o ...
  9. Gurudev, you had mentioned that we can never be sure of a friend or an enemy. And that one should rely on oneself. Is that being selfish?

    No, it is not being selfish. It is being aware that there is a bigger force that guides you in your life. So when your time is good, and when your life is in the hands of that bigger force, or the Divinity, then that rules your life. This is what we need t ...
  10. Gurudev, I have been told that a human soul can often take one to two million years to find liberation. Is it true that by doing Kriya and meditation every day, this liberation can be obtained even in one lifetime?

    Everything works with some strange karma. You must lift your eyes and look into this realm. There is a beautiful couplet that says, ‘This world has all the wealth, all that is needed, but one who has no karma, cannot get it.’ So, whe ...